Category: Fettish

Fettish – The Impact Table – Alicia Justine

One of my favorite words in the dictionary is ‘juxtaposition’. Essentially, it is two things placed side-by-side for the purpose of comparison or contrast. And in this video, it’s all over the place.

Alicia is a beautiful sub, and she’s on the table today. Her gorgeous feet are tied back, ready subjects for a different kind of play. Derek preps them well, gently rubbing them with coconut oil before diving in with some of the hardest sounding smacks I’ve heard in awhile. Alicia takes them easily.

Derek moves on, using hot air, metal prongs, a belt, all for the “sole” purpose (sorry not sorry, I had to!) of eliciting delicious whimpers from Alicia. She loves the feeling, loves to submit. She even asks for more(12:24). When Derek grabs her hair (Time To Cum: 11:39), she turns her head and offers it to him, knowing full well he’s going to make it hurt. The look on her face is pure rapture.

I love this video, so so much. There’s pain, there’s aftercare, and there are some truly tender moments scattered throughout the harsh impact, the kind of moments that can only be seen with a dom and his sub. Can you spot them all with me?

Length: 14:59
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – The Impact Table – Alicia Justine

Fettish – No Safeword – Kat Van Wylder and Tilly McReese

If you’ve seen Kat’s Tickle Table video, understand this is one of the most ticklish models ive worked with – she truly hates it and can’t wait for it to be over with.

You also will have seen Tilly McReese tickle Kat’s bare feet mercilessly. She stares at them while completely ignoring Kat screaming.

Well this time Kat is still screaming while tickled, but this time into her panel gag, that I cruelly layered wide black tape over, pinning her pretty face down to the table.

She isn’t going anywhere and Tilly isn’t stopping – or caring.

Length: 13:48
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – No Safeword – Kat Van Wylder and Tilly McReese

Fettish – Tickle Dice – Ama Rio

I’m really into mind games, have you figured that out yet? And Tickle Dice doesn’t mess around, there’s a war waging between choosing the number you think it’ll land on and choosing a number that could potentially give you a shorter sentence. As a maso I’m not one to care but for someone like Ama who HATES being tickled, it’s truly a challenge. So yummy. I love it.

As I said, the beautiful Ama Rio is our contestant today and she’s been bagged on the table to play, just her hyper-ticklish feet are on the line. Derek doesn’t go easy on her either, he’s put money down that he can get her to tap before completing all six(?) dice. Think he can do it? Yeah, me too.

Things seem to be going Ama’s way, luck is on her side and Derek can’t seem to get a timeframe long enough to really make her suffer. It isn’t long though until the wheel turns, and suddenly Ama is at the mercy of the shocker. Her oiled feet are helpless to resist Derek’s skilled ministrations, and as hard as she tries she can’t pull her soles away from the horrid onslaught of tickling (9:43). She’s trapped, and her only way out is to tap.

Do you think Ama can get through all the dice? Will she tap, or will she empty Derek’s wallet first? Tune in to see who the winner of this round turns out to be… The results might surprise you.

Length: 13:58
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickle Dice – Ama Rio

Fettish – Tickle Therapy – Seneca and Emily 2

Didn’t think Emily and I were done with Seneca did you? Tired of hearing her begging and loud laughter, I tell Emily to gag her friend. She doesn’t disappoint.

First a black ball is strapped into her mouth tightly, topped off with a multi layered wrap gag, silencing her. Oh and of course her head strap was set back in place.

And her punishment continued.

Length: 13:49
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickle Therapy – Seneca and Emily 2

Fettish – Tickle Therapy Challenge – Amecia

“Ticklish little Amecia made a deal with the devil; Twenty dollars for every minute she can endure Derek’s chilling tickling all over those soft feet of hers.

Listen to her screeching through that gag, panicking every time Derek stops to confirm she didn’t let her Safeword drop. If Amecia stalls for time, Derek tickles faster. She throws herself around, legs strapped, feet stocked, with nowhere to go.

He breaks out so many of his famous tools, eager to stop the clock of endless money floating out the door with Amecia. As soon as the gloves appear, it becomes evident that she can’t stand a moment of soft bristly torment.

When she eventually safewords, her poor soles are bright red and tickled to insanity. You won’t wanna miss this one guys!

Length: 14:47
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickle Therapy Challenge – Amecia

Fettish – The Tickle Table – Santina

Santina Tickle Table

Written in Santina’s first person POV

The first thing you see are my socked feet, posed and nervous in front of the camera before anything even starts (or so you might’ve thought. Bean jumped at tickling beforehand because of course she did.)

When I tell you this was the most intense tickling I’ve ever received there is no exaggeration I managed to get loose once and suffered greatly for it I promise.

I’m a very vocal Switch, and my Lee giggles were on full blast when Derek started experimenting with his tools of ticklish horror :/ I’m just laughing my ass off like an anonymous sock puppet, zipped up in that fucking bag screaming like anyone gives a rats ass.

Bean and I have a very close, intimate tickling relationship and she’s MEAN. When we met I thought she was a Lee leaning switch but that? That’s bullshit I was more afraid of her than Derek – UNTIL they broke out *certain items. All resolve out the window, unlike my tiny ticklish feet that were begging to wrench free but couldn’t.

Length: 18:25
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – The Tickle Table – Santina