Category: Fettish

Fettish – Stocks and Bondage – Kylie Moone

Hadn’t busted the ole stocks in a while, and with a girl as sensitive as gorgeous Kylie, I couldn’t miss the opportunity!

This was not the first, or second, scene we shot together so I had a really good feel of what works best on her. And well….her attitude started to shine here too! I don’t know why she was amusing me so much, but I kept laughing and she talked more and more trash as things progressed.

Everything works on this girls feet. Everything. The high point (to me anyway) was when I get one of my infamous ideas, mid shoot. I start to kick the plan into action and she curses at me! I won’t say here what it was, but her reaction alone still makes me laugh!

Length: 16:21
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Stocks and Bondage – Kylie Moone

Fettish – Tickle Therapy – Kylie Moone (full)

The entire session with poor Kylie going for the full ride in the chair!

Incredibly ticklish Kylie agreed to this shoot nervously, knowing how ticklish she is. This was the first setup I had her in, and I filmed her being tied into it during the setup, which is just as entertaining! Her sock removal and constantly giggling while I thread the string around her cute toes.
But then I give her a quick, single finger down the center of her sole and she SCREAMS in laughter!
If you watched her tickle table clip, you know what to expect!
Gorgeous, ticklish, and a whole lot of fun! If you buy one clip this month, make it this one!
Includes part 1 and 2 combined here 🙂

Length: 29:50
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickle Therapy – Kylie Moone (full)

Fettish – Carbonitickle – Charmie

Introducing the newest, inescapable horrifying contraption I had custom built for my humble production!

Alt gamer (been getting a good group of them now, love these girls!) Charmie is first up and was eager to get in. I’m always wondering if they realize what theyre getting into…

With the help of her friend, another alt gamer Elara Wren – we get her set into her own version of carbonite (see a theme here yet?), locked in tight and going nowhere – only her head and her bare feet are exposed.

Between Elara and I, we wrecked Charmie. At one point, we ran vibrating brushes over her entire body – neck, armpits, belly, sides, hip girdle, on and on. The best part? Apparently the shocks from any vibration emanates not just in ONE area, but all over!

As always, I make a situation go from bad to worse. Her exposed toes and balls of her feet are practically begging to have brushes taped in place and left to run, while we work the rest of her body.

Glorious glorious suffering. For your enjoyment …. and mine.

Length: 16:39
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Carbonitickle – Charmie

Fettish – HOSTickEL – Indica

The hot brunette with the coolest attitude ever is back and locked in a box on her last trip – seriously, Indica is SO much fun to work with, just a lot of fun to be around and it translates on screen for sure!

if you hadn’t seen this series yet, I have a model locked facedown in a hogtie style position, head and arms out of a locks box, along with her feet which are secured to a post attached to the box. I also add in a new twist, her big toes are locked together with a metal hose clamp! With the Hostel theme, I do tend toward more ….powered instruments. Usually in the form of my brush tipped Ryobi, and or my Dremel with a very small brush for detailing.

Fun fun…you know the drill.

Length: 18:14
Resolution: 1440×1080

Download – HOSTickEL – Indica

Fettish – HOSTickEL- Layla

Remember Layla? Sure you do! She is in the ‘hates it’ category but shes a fucking trooper! She actually was on the fence about shooting tickling but she said yes and it was game on! This was from her second trip and since at the time I hadnt shot this much, we had to give it a go.

If you dont know the deal with HOSTickEL, the girls are locked in a box, head, arms (cuffed) and feet are out, while bound to a post. I had to use toe cuffs on her because again..she hates this and will flail away if given the opportunity.

And then the tools come in (thus the name…Hostel…tools..? Get it?). I run the gamut with them, finding out what works, what doesnt and staying on the best ones, discarding the rest, discovering the worst parts and staying on them.

Poor girl.

Length: 12:52
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – HOSTickEL- Layla

Fettish – No Safeword – Elara and Charmie

What’s better than one pretty girl, inescapably bound with her feet trapped and begging to be tickled?

Two! Two pretty girls inescapably bound with their feet trapped and begging to be tickled! You’re forgiven if you read that in The Counts voice!

I do love the alt girl crowd with their vibe and look, especially when you get that colorful hair flying!
In this, newcomers and real life friends Elara and Charmie are strapped up tightly in my double device setup, one ballgagged, one panel gagged. One in a traditional pose with her feet side by side and toes bound, the other had to be cross ankle bound beckase I couldn’t get her still in the prior vid!

Yes, you’ll say to tie them tighter. In reality (that’s the theme here, if you’re new to my material) IS reality. You can’t bind someone in this genre so tightly that pain overrides the desire to laugh. It will destroy the reaction you’re after. But have no fear! That’s where creativity comes into play. And if there’s one thing I’m good at…

Length: 19:53
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – No Safeword – Elara and Charmie

Fettish – The Tickle Table – Nayru

Time flies when you’re having fun! I was contacted by Nayru via social media. Insisting she wanted to experience a hardcore setup. Have I ever turned this down? Once I saw her picture I certainly couldn’t resist, what a cutie!

talking to her leading up to the shoot, we quickly became friends in a love/hate capacity. She’s a complete brat and I’m not much for backing down myself. Add to it, her feet are perfectly shaped…and yeah. This had to happen.

With that pretty face, those cute giggles, and her perfectly shaped feet (with black nails, I’m a total sucker for that), this ended up running a tad long….oops. Like I said, time flies when fun is involved.

This is part one of three.

Length: 14:18
Resolution: 1440×1080

Download – The Tickle Table – Nayru

Fettish – TickOLing 2

No, this certainly didn’t end in part one. You see, Laney came (no pun) to me WANTING to be made to orgasm via tickling. She said she was capable and wasn’t lying. She also told me she had to be strapped down and was going to beg for it to end, but NOT to let her. I was told don’t give up, don’t stop no matter what, and don’t listen to her during.


Length: 19:59
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – TickOLing 2

Fettish – TickOling pt 1

This turned out…interesting!

Laney hit me up via social media after hunting for something intense. Like….the most intense out there. That would be me! So, we finally set the shoot up months back. During that time I asked her multiple times if she was CERTAIN she could take this, because she had told me prior her experience was far more on the light side, and even then would Safeword near immediately….now you see why i was making sure she was sure.

She also said that there was a HIGH Chance she would have a …..different reaction.

She wasn’t kidding. Because of that, she wanted as brutal as I could offer, for as long as I wanted, shattering the prior record for No Safeword (which was an hour and five by Paige Turner). I kept pushing her to an hour and forty five! Because of that, this has been broken into 5 parts.

If you loved the clip last year with Daisy Lynn, you’ll REALLY want to buy these!

Length: 20:25
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – TickOling pt 1