Category: Fettish

Fettish – The Tickle Table – Juni

Juni is the epitome of a slow burn, y’all… and she is worth the wait.

She’s never been tickled like this before, you see, and has trouble letting go of her laugh. Derek has to explore a bit at the beginning to find her spots. She’s very particular you see, what certain technique works in one spot doesn’t work in another, but another tool might work there. Can you figure out what’s going to work?

Don’t you worry, Derek finds them. He’s too stubborn not to, even if she gave him a run for his money. He pulls that delicious laugh out of Juni at last, and once she’s going she doesn’t stop. The gloves prove to be old faithful once again; we knew she was ticklish!

I think my favorite moments are the little “oh my god”s dispersed throughout Juni’s laughter… just that little phrase says so much about what she’s feeling in that moment. The intensity, the horror. Almost like she’s incredulous that anyone would want to do this. Gosh, I love our kink.

Our brains are a beautiful thing, no?

Length: 13:25
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – The Tickle Table – Juni

Fettish – Tickle Therapy – Mewchii Fey

For the love. Of all. That is holy. Derek performed an exorcism in this clip.

If you think I’m kidding, take a look at this clip. Mewchi Fey is one of the most ticklish models Derek has ever had the pleasure of being in his chair. She tries to distract herself with some of the funniest quotes I’ve heard to date, including “oh step-mother MARY” and “if I had secrets I would tell you EVERYTHING” I’m not going to tell you the timestamps my friend, you’re just gonna have to watch this clip because they are just too good.

Ultimately the distractions are unsuccessful (as they should be), and Mewchi succumbs to her insanely sensitive fate. Derek can’t stop laughing at the sounds she makes, her thrashing and howling and to be honest, I couldn’t either. Believe me, I had to stop eating my dinner because I was afraid I was gonna choke.

By the time Derek gets to the Shocker, Mewchi dissolves into an almost alien-like She has thrashed so hard she broke her toe ties (10:43) and her pillows have left the chair, and I thought for sure she’d tap. She begs for mercy and gets very close, but the demon won’t let her escape, leaving Derek hours of fun to torment her…

Length: 20:26
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickle Therapy – Mewchii Fey

Fettish – Tickled in Steel – Ama Rio

I’ll be honest, I have no words. No words. I have been officially rendered speechless. Congrats. Okay but seriously, the following words left my mouth while watching this clip:

“Oh fucking hell” (as soon as the damned video opened)


“Get OUT of there”

“Go away!”

Plus a very large smattering of expletives.

Derek has outdone himself on this new steel cross set up, and it is truly for upperbody lovers. Gorgeous Ama Rio is strapped to this horrid equipment, and when I say she can’t move, she can’t move. Underarms, ribs, navel, inner thighs, knees, feet, Derek gets them all. I squirmed and snurfed my way throughout this entire clip, and seeing his arsenal of tools (you’ll just have to click that link if you want to know which ones he used) all lined up to the side did not help in any way. Goodness gracious, great balls of FIRE, I’m looking forward to my turn on this thing.

TTC: 8:59

Fun fact, I will share one tool Derek used. He pulls out a machine toward the end and oh my lanta, you can see poor Ama’s ticklish skin absolutely rippling with vibrations (14:22). It must have tickled like crazy. She’s a good sport though, I love the fact that she’s joking and sassing through it all.

10/10, I can’t even. I have been officially turned into a puddle, and will now work very hard to put my sanity back together for the next clip. Oi.

Length: 17:42
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickled in Steel – Ama Rio

Fettish – Tickle Table – V the Tease

Okay the number of snurfs I had while reviewing this clip was UNcalled for (let it be known that a snurf is a highly flustered snort). I KNOW these people, I should not be so flustered but woof, do they know how to play. Derek has V on the tickle table with nothing but her pretty little feet on display, and a blindfold so she can’t see what’s coming.

V has requested Derek not go easy on her and he is all too happy to comply. While tickling her oiled soles with the scrubber, gloves, his fingers, he tells her to stay still and excuse me, STAY STILL??? Snurf number one, I spilled my coffee. Thanks.

This continues throughout the clip (see 15:00 for favorite moment, I love seeing Derek switch into that tone) and each one produced a snurf, the little sub in me went “yes sir” and I watched in horror as each tool got worse and worse.

V is a tough model, she takes it well and it aaaalmost sounds like she might be “enjoying it”, if you catch my drift. She’s begging the whole time, saying please (12:24), asking him to stop. His answer is a simple “no” every time, which makes snurf number three.

By the end of the clip, Derek has reduced her to near silent laughter, and she’s willing to do anything he wants to get him to stop, including using full and proper sentences. “Please stop tickling my feet”, you hear her quietly say, just before she taps. Delicious.

Length: 34:26
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickle Table – V the Tease

Fettish – The Terror Totter – Zelda

I… I uh… heh. Uhm. Welp. This review is going to be all sounds cause uh… that’s all I got. Brain is mush, mind is puddle. Snurfed it out all over the floor. Woof.

The Terror Totter lives up to its name, as poor Zelda finds out. She’s horrendously ticklish, especially under her arms and Derek is keen to extract every scream from her gagged little mouth. She tries to protect herself but does he allow it? NO. HE STRAPS HER BICEPS DOWN SO SHE CAN’T MOVE. Her screams gave life to the internal ones inside my head, my god.

Derek shows no mercy, moving down the totter to her ribs, thighs, and feet. He finds every spot, even the ones you thought were safe, like her navel. ForGET that spot, I swear on my life, iss the worst spot imaginable. Zelda thinks so too, her eyes bulge out of her head (2:30 and 8:24) and I can feel her pain. Literally.

So yeah, if you feel like being turned into a brainless pile of goo, watch this clip. Or do it anyway, cause Zelda’s reactions are incredible and she can’t move at all. Such a fun new rig.

Whew… I need a nap.

Bee kinky, Bee kind,

Length: 14:58
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – The Terror Totter – Zelda

Fettish – The Tickle Table – Baby Rae

I seriously love watching Baby Rae, whether she lee or ler. In today’s clip she’s the lee, on the tickle table with nothing but her soft and incredibly sensitive feet exposed, and her reactions are hilarious (see adorable toe scrunching, 2:20). For example, she makes mock gagging sounds (5:53) and faces when Derek is putting oil on her feet. Even though this is revenge for her tickling him, Derek decides to be nice and use just his fingers.

Unfortunately for Baby Rae, she just can’t keep her mouth from mocking him, from throwing all sorts of profanities his way, and for it she is appropriately disciplined. Brats gotta learn, right? Derek breaks out the heavy hitters (for her), and uses an electric toothbrush for the remainder of the clip. I swear, the girl would be bucking if she wasn’t strapped down so tightly. Her laughter changes to screams, and it is truly the most beautiful sound in the world. Aftershocks are present, Derek finds new spots she didn’t know about, and she’s still just as funny throughout (“My poor piggies!” 15:07).

The clip ends well, Derek has tickled Baby Rae into insanity; she is laughing without him even touching her. He shows us the tool he’s going to use next and goodness gracious, it looks evil. *gulp* Some sort of spikey, ball brush that I have no interest in getting to know on a personal level. We can be friends from afar, thank you very much. In all honesty though, Baby Rae is an amazing model, and I look forward to seeing more clips of her soon.

Length: 19:28
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – The Tickle Table – Baby Rae

Fettish – The Tickle Table – Jade vs Trinity

In the opening of this clip, poor Trinity is trapped on the table, having just tickled Jade into next week. Her head is on a pillow, which is unusual for this equipment but pretty soon you see why. Her facial reactions are priceless, and being tickled is SO much worse for her when she is required to watch. Jade and Derek introduce her to three or four new tools, and I laughed so hard at every response, this girl is hysterical.

(You know a clip is good when I have timestamps but I forgot to write down what happens at them. O.O I wrote down 4:18, 7:15, and 13:44, but I don’t remember what happens, lol. Bad reviewer! I guess I’ll just have to be punished. To the table I go!)

Y’all, Trinity has a MOUTH on her. Watching this clip, you won’t feel sorry in the slightest as she gets wrecked into infinity, because the names she calls Derek and Jade are not for the fainthearted. It brought me much joy to see her suffer for her language, and I loved how her threats fell on deaf ears. Totally, totally deserved.

Trinity’s truly a champ though, she takes all of it even though she’s tickled to tears. Jade and Derek put her through the ringer, and she still smiles at the end. If you like a feisty model, this clip is definitely for you!

Bee kinky, Bee kind,

Length: 18:31
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – The Tickle Table – Jade vs Trinity

Fettish – Hogtickled – Baby Rae

Crabby… crabby crabby crabby. Seems like Baby Rae could use something to laugh about! Good thing Derek has some deft fingers. Shouldn’t be a problem for him to help lift her mood!

In one of the snuggest hogties I’ve seen, Derek goes to town on Baby Rae’s sensitive soles. She’s in hysterics instantly but her mood is still quite sour, which is super adorable. She brats and pushes her luck with Derek, which of course ends up with her gagged and further strapped.

(Also again gonna note the safety in this vid cause I will never not proclaim safety and care. In the beginning of the vid BR expresses discomfort for her head and it’s enough that she receives a folded towel for comfort. Derek also checks the strength of her hands when she expresses concern about them. We stand a safety King!)

Baby Rae is screaming by the end of this clip, literally screaming and gagging herself with the towel. She’s so ticklish, and still so crabby about it! Derek decides she needs more time to think about her attitude, so he leaves her with an electric toothbrush mercilessly vibrating against her ankles. Might want to adjust your tone, Rae… you’re gonna be there awhile.

Length: 20:48
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Hogtickled – Baby Rae