We’re experimenting with different positions here at Stuck In The Stocks, and we’ve noticed that many of the women tell us that it’s far worse when they can see what’s going to happen to their feet! With that in mind, we let Amazon Marilyn sit up with her feet spread out in the stocks–so now she can see every evil thing that’s going to be used on the bottoms of her feet! The apprehension radiates from her all the way to her voice with every evil tickle tool I pick up (sometimes waving them in front of her eyes)! This is a delicious experiment in psychological tickle torture, and she rocks back and forth while being tickled, seeing and feeling every terrible thing that’s happening to the soles of her feet!
Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 3077 kbps, fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 64 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 8:45.020
Size: 93,097 Mb
Download – Marilyn Watches Her Feet Get Tickled!

At a certain point when tickled, Blue lapses completely into gibberish. She splutters, she yips and squarks, and then puckers her lips and blows raspberries. But throughout all of it, she giggles like a schoolgirl, well, a schoolgirl being tickled out of her mind! And in this instance, it’s all focused on her wide little size seven foot, which is driving her over the edge with laughter! The best part about this is the close up shots, where you can see her curling her toes and having to deal with her wrinkly soles abused with tickle torment from a variety of items!
Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 3509 kbps, fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 64 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 8:58.133
Size: 120,908 Mb
Download – Blue’s Left Foot Tickled!

You’ve seen Athena before, so in this case, we decided to focus totally on her super-sensitive feet, locked into the new stocks with her big toes tied together and firmly pulled back to expose her delightfully sensitive soles! Starting with goose feathers, the tickling works its way all the way up to the brain-scrambling massagers, and Athena is almost literally howling with laughter by the finish! Revel in seeing every ticklish inch of the bottoms of her feet explored and tormented: it’s a tickle jamboree!
Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 3625 kbps, fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 64 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 8:42.183
Size: 115,877 Mb
Download – Athena’s Locked-In Toes!

I always tell Vesper she has “little square feet!” But those feet are little sensitive and meaty little things (despite being a modest size 8.5). She squeals and squeaks and knows what she’s in for, and so the tickling ramps up bit by bit to slowly send her over the edge!
Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 3450 kbps, fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 64 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 8:42.984
Size: 120,658 Mb
Download – Vesper Gets It!

Brandi’s in the new stocks, and you can hear the apprehension in her voice when she sees what horrible things are going to be methodically raked over her soles and inbetween her toes! She knows she’s in for a terrible tickling, because she can see every ruthless implement I’m about to tickle the daylights out of her with! What’s worse, pink bands are pulling her toes back, leaving her pink soles taut and helpless! Sometimes I just wave the tickle toys in front of her feet, making the torment that much worse before the actual tickling! Such malicious fun!
Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 5415 kbps, fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 64 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 8:46.421
Size: 147,47 Mb
Download – Brandi’s in the new stocks with toes tied back!

Having someone in the stocks with their ankles crossed is one of my favorite positions as a ‘ler: they can’t do anything to hide all the sensitive ticklish flesh at their arches and they can’t close their feet together to get away from the tickling. Poor Nyna has realized this and it isn’t long before she’s whimpering through her giggles as the feather slips and slides along her insteps. And when I start running my fingertips over her soles, she can’t pull her feet back through the holes (she has tiny little size 4.5 feet) because her big toes are safely tied up and pulled back! And when the claws come out, she knows what she’s in for, as she says “I don’t like those!” Too bad she doesn’t have a choice in the matter!
Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 2742 kbps, fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 64 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 9:21.356
Size: 102,065 Mb
Download – Nyna crossed at the ankles!

AJ came out with her friend Lulu to dive into the world of professional tickle modeling… and sure found out that the water is deeper than it looks! She starts out with giggles, but then it isn’t long before she’s in over her head! Pretty soon she’s shrieking with laughter, and if she weren’t locked in ankle stocks, she would have fallen completely off the bed—more than once! Check it out, come watch AJ’s magnificent smile and laughter as a tickle newbie gets “the treatment” for the very first time!
Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 3898 kbps, fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 64 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 8:39.414
Size: 92,472 Mb
Download – AJ’s Terrible First Time!

Lulu came with her friend AJ to stick her feet in the stocks (if you look in the framed picture to the right, you can see AJ’s reflection as her friend is tickle-tortured), as she was curious about the experience. She discovered that it’s a LOT more intense than she expected! Lulu is simply effervescent; she looks a little like an adorably young Tina Turner with a million-watt smile! Pretty soon her toes are moving in all directions and she’s thrashing all over the bed with laughter, although her feet have no place to go, so it’s nothing but excruciating tickling for them! Come check out the magnificent Lulu (and come see AJ’s debut in January)!
Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 2933 kbps, fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 64 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 8:10.952
Size: 93,565 Mb
Download – Lulu’s First Time Tickled!

Sometimes you don’t need to use the hairbrushes and combs to break someone with tickling; all you need is the right amount of restraint, and that plus the headspace, and you can tickle someone until they’re begging you to stop! Hannah’s mostly confined in the mummification sack–it’s unzipped, but her arms are pinned by her sides, and her feet are tightly locked in the new boogie-board stocks with her toes fully pulled back. Then all I needed was two soft feathers to slide between and under her toes, a couple of plastic feather inkpens (they’re supposed to be “quill pens” but the feather end is delightfully tickly) and my fingers, and Hannah starts going crazy with laughter!
Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 2931 kbps, fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 64 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 9:50.184
Size: 86,347 Mb
Download – Hannah broken softly!

Chrissy has some of the strongest feet and toes of anybody I know; I tie her toes back tightly because if you just try to pull them back by yourself when you’re tickling her, she might break your fingers! She’s a hot MILF who taught kickboxing for a number of years, but regularly got pedicures, so her feet are always smooth and soft (and SENSITIVE)! So here, I made sure her toes were pulled back nice and tight, and then I raked all sorts of evil things over the soles of her feet, making her squeal and giggle! By the time I’m finished with her, her powerful toes have already made most of the restraint cords pop off, but she’s still bucking and squealing from the horrible tickling!
Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 3216 kbps, fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 64 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 9:07.975
Size: 115,909 Mb
Download – Chrissy’s Taut Toes Tickled!