Category: TicklingIsFun
TicklingIsFun – Indica Tickled By Sushii
Sushii finds the very ticklish Indica tied down on the couch. So of course she wants to have fun with her best friend. Sushii starts out by sitting on Indica’s legs keeping her from being able to move as she playfully pokes at her friend’s ticklish spots. It’s always a delight to see a sexy girl being tickled by another.
Length: 9:59
Resolution: 1440×1080
TicklingIsFun – Helena Price is Ticklish
Helena Price joins us for some tickling fun. This is pretty straight forward, Helena only has to stand and let herself be tickled. Considering how ticklish she is, it’s not easy for her to keep from fighting back to get it to stop. She is squirming and jumping from the very first touch.
Length: 12:56
Resolution: 720×480
TicklingIsFun – Helena Has Her Belly Button Tickled
Here’s one for you belly button lovers. Helena has a lovely one that is very sensitive as well. She is driven CRAZY when the electric toothbrush is combined with the small chain down deep inside it!
Length: 8:55
Resolution: 720×480
TicklingIsFun – Indica Hates the Mind Games
Indica hates it when tickling mind games are played on her. Just moving your hands slowly over her ticklish body, before the actual tickling starts, drives her crazy! We take full advantage of this fact, after we have her tied down on the massage table. She is doing anything she can to get this evil tactic to stop being used on her. Moving her body around to try to avoid the psychological torment she is going through.
Length: 13:18
Resolution: 720×480
TicklingIsFun – Indica Back for More Tickling
Tying the very ticklish Indica on the couch, as she is wearing a sexy crop-top she is ripe for some tickling. She has no way to block the tickling that takes place on her very silky soft tummy. She is giggling and laughing from the first touch all the way to the final stroke.
Length: 9:48
Resolution: 1440×1080