TheTickleRoom – Bellas Never Again Upperbody

So Bellas Feet were insanely ticklish but her upperbody? That is where its BAD. “I’m MAD ticklish” Is exactly what she says. I think her cousin Alice said it best, This girl has a HYPE laugh. It gets you READY to tickle. I am on the knees and she is LOSING it thinking shes gonna pee. I get to the stomach and its the SAME thing. She is LITERALLY howling with laughter. So I see Bella is BAD so I give her countdowns for a break to let her breath. The ladies are ALL for it. Bella is hysterical and fighting but when the tickling reaches a PEAK she is literally screaming in laughter unable to handle it. I can tell Bella is on another PLANET. Her normal tough Latina attitude is broken by this intense tickling. She is screaming and laughing and I tell her its the most NY laugh ever. I do a LITTLE bit of raspberries and poor Bella is beside herself. This shoot was SO intense she said “NEVER AGAIN am I doing upperbody make that a LIMIT” Well. After seeing some of the customs Alice has gone through, she changed her mind and Bella is BACK with upperbody on the board!

Length: 5:33
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Bellas Never Again Upperbody

TheTickleRoom – Audrianas Revenge On Layla “ITS WORSE!!!”

Once again what everyone is calling The Tickle Room G.O.A.T has returned. So as you all know I always give the main scoop and the whole truth so here it is. Layla and me were good friends and last year she did the Neko Yano and Imelda gang tickle happy and excited. 2 weeks later I stopped hearing from her. I saw her through the grapevine but let her be. She seemingly retired and went on with a relationship that she felt could not handle tickling. I sent my love occasionally and gave updates but on her end it was silent. Well I gave up early this year and moved on to new things wishing my friend well silently. Thats 2 weeks ago I was on discord with a few friends and fans/producers. They asked me what happened and I told them. Thats when they said you never know she might still need you and the next day a friend of mine Aurora ripped herself out of an toxic relationship and told me “reach out to her she may just be nervous”. Well the next day while finishing my hearing test I decided “Fuck it” and sent out a message saying I missed her and wished her well. 1 hour later I was met with not a text but a CALL by Layla telling me not only did she really miss me and shooting but she had a woman who she felt would out do her “Audriana”. Layla was SO excited to enter the fold she brought Audriana THAT day an hour later. Now it has been almost a year since Laylas last shoot and a lot has changed. Layla now admitted to me she has gained the fetish HEAVILY. About 3 times a week she would stalk my pages watching videos, fantasize about tickling, and would dream about foot worship constantly. We have not only converted another model but this time Layla was COMPLETELY ENTRACED by tickling and foot worship she NEEDED it. So now excited after tickling Audriana, Layla is nervous and excited as we tie her up for her first tickle in almost a year.

Layla is now 21 and her size 7 feet are STILL a dream and soft as hell. This clip includes her shoe and sock removal as well as her getting toe tied! Now one of my favorite things about editing is reviewing and seeing what I CANNOT see live which is Laylas face in the background. While I tie her toes you can see her biting her lip, looking at me, and STARING at her toes. You can see the excitement, slight panic, and LOVE in her eyes. So when I told Layla that Audriana was doing the tickling she said “I want you to do it…” With a face but I told her she would have to wait so I let Audriana kick it off. She does a great job of getting Layla giggling and snorting immediately. Audriana is great at taking her time and I have never seen Layla crunch her toes as much as she does in this clip. The toe ties are LOCKED in and Layla is NOT moving as Audriana continues to get in Laylas toes and soles. Layla then gets sent over the EDGE as Audriana sucks her toes while tickling her. For Layla its been WAY to long so she giggles but for her its confusing for how horny she feels. I am nice and give her what she wants coming in for the very end and we both immediately realize. Layla is more ticklish than before!

Length: 11:33
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Audrianas Revenge On Layla “ITS WORSE!!!”

TheTickleRoom – Sapphires First Big Foot Tickle!

NEW MODELLLL…..who wont be returning lol. Sapphire is a one and down BEAUTIFUL goth girl. She is 21 years young and a NICE size 9 in shoes. She has LONG and THICK feet that are SUPER ticklish. Now I know everyone is gonna be up my butt about her returning and she WAS going to but life kinda hit her. Me and Alice are giving her space but…she loves this shoot. Sapphire was SO nervous and excited all at once that by the end she was pissed and wanted to do MORE. The MOMENT I touch Sapphires soles this AMAZING laugh comes out and she is SUPER ticklish. She loses it fast giggling and hysterically laughing fighting the toe ties. I get both hands in there and go even FASTER before getting that amazing “OH MY GOD” between laughs. I let her choose and she chooses OIL. I tell her oil makes it worse to start and goes away faster. She says it still sucks and tickles bad. EVERY. SINGLE. TOOL. Works on this girl. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. The brush, the gloves, the TOOTHBRUSH. It is ALL bad. This is one awesome clip for the foot tickle fans!

Length: 9:23
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Sapphires First Big Foot Tickle!

TheTickleRoom – Taking The Curator “Collection Series”

Now starting Ani”MAY” month with our Collections Series Pt 1 “The Curator

I am the current Collector of the Visionaries. They oversee, coordinate, and reward my missions where they see fit. They allow me to keep a collection of souls for my own pleasure, their reconditioning, or imprisonment. I work alongside:

The Captivating, a beauty unrivalved, who can see the true alignment in anyone or anything. She tells me who deserves punishment and who deserves freedom.

The Curator, A storyteller whose eyes can see the webs of fate and speak change into them. She tells the story of life while seldom interfering. She gives me the knowledge to find who I need, or hide from those seeking my tools.

The Caged. A fearsome being whose presence demands those near it to feel fear and torment. It is said if it ever released from the caged bonds it is in, it will devour the world and make everyone submissive to its evil yet creative torments. The Caged has only ever appeared once and it was to take The Fox from me.

The Visionaries allow me assistance and I do what they want. Sometimes simple, yet fun. Other times hellish in nature. Sometimes I am able to be my normal self with a proper mental state yet sometimes they push my mind into rage filled dark places and I lose control. The Fox was that night. I was to capture her, simple and easy. An entity of fear and innocence in the Dark Woods. Things went as planned until they sent me into the Rage State. Unable to hold on I became feral looking for her. I caught her and realized why they did this. Her trance is enticing and she held me in it. Her feet were delcatable, her body mesmerizing. I could not hold on but I managed to in my last moments of clarity seal her away. She was mine. For months I had my way with her. Attempting to break her to make her a prime piece of my collection. I finally did and when I went to collar her forever….The cage took her. While away something happened. I was urgently called to “recapture” her near the Curators lair. When I arrived….the Curator was gone along with her books of fate. The stories were changing. I needed to move quickly. I opened her letter to me when we became close. Should anything happen “Write the stories in the pen of fate I will lend to you”

I can feel the Fox. She is different…..changing things. I fear she got the curator. I do not know how or why. But this is lost. The visionaries are not helping and its almost as if I can hear the curator laughing from the shadows…..

Length: 15:14
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Taking The Curator “Collection Series”

SimplyTickling – Devyn’s Cross Legged Tickle Challenge with Kody Evans

Trying out an old tickle pose in this clip Devyn has to sit with her legs crossed and her arms up on her head while Kody Evans sits behind her and finds all of her best tickle spots. Using the tickle wheel, the brush and then her fingers in Devyn’s ribs, armpits and belly while Devyn laughs and tries to keep her arms up! At the end Kody finds a brand new fun tickle spot that Devyn didnt even know existed 🙂

Length: 6:02
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Devyn’s Cross Legged Tickle Challenge with Kody Evans

SimplyTickling – Kalesies Kneeling Belly and Armpit TickleFest with Parker

Kalesies turn to be tickled in the kneeling position on the bed. Kalesie has to try and keep her arms up holding onto the bar while Parker tickles her all over from behind with her sharp pointy nails, brushes, and feathers. Parker rolls up Kalesies shirt and is able to tickle all over her bare belly, using the feathers on her bellybutton driving Kalesie crazy with laughter. Parker finds all the good spots, digging into her ribs and hips while lightly tickling Kalesies bare armpits and feet that are tucked behind her. At the end I decide we should all tickle Kalesie at once so Parker, Myself and our Guest tickler all team up and tickle Kalesie to silent gasping laughter.

Length: 7:14
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Kalesies Kneeling Belly and Armpit TickleFest with Parker

SimplyTickling – Kody Evan’s Gym Socks to Barefeet Tickled by Lora Cross

Kody Evans and Lora Cross just got back from the gym and Kody’s feet are sore! So she takes off her sneakers and Lora offers to give her friend a foot massage. That is until Lora realizes just how ticklish Kody’s feet are even in the tube socks…Lora quickly learns that her nails all over Kody’s arches and under her toes really tickle and get Kody laughing and then she takes the socks off and tickles all over Kody’s ticklish and sweaty feet. Finding the best spots with the comb between her toes and along her arches while holding her down.

Length: 6:32
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Kody Evan’s Gym Socks to Barefeet Tickled by Lora Cross