TheUKLer – Her First Ever Tickling Experience – Skye Taylor

While Skye is very experienced in the world of bondage, she has never been tied up and tickled. I get to work changing that by tying Skye down into an eight-point spread eagle position, with extra leather cuffs on her thighs and biceps.

It’s quickly apparent that her underarms are her most ticklish spot so I make sure to come back to them over and over, but I don’t neglect the rest of her and give her wonderful soles some focus too, including a coating of baby oil and using hairbrushes.

Skye’s reactions are a tickle fetishist’s dream, great laugh and lots of screams telling you that you’ve found her spots.

Length: 14:04
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Her First Ever Tickling Experience – Skye Taylor

TheUKLer – Skye Taylor – Insanely Ticklish, Toetied and Screaming

After a couple of sessions introducing Skye to the tickling kink, I step up the intensity, bringing out 3 different hairbrushes and the electric flosser plus a heavy helping of baby oil. All of the hairbrushes drive her into a crazy fit of screams and thrashing but it’s her underarms that are the worst spot by far and I take full advantage of this.

While she’s blindfolded I keep one hand lightly tickling her feet while I slowly creep towards her upperbody, catching her off-gaurd multiple times. A ballgag is added halfway through the video to heighten that sense of helplessness.

Length: 18:11
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Skye Taylor – Insanely Ticklish, Toetied and Screaming

TheUKLer – Hogtied and Tickled – Jezebel Lee

Jezebel Lee is hogtied with a leather box-tie armbinder and her hands are balled into fists and tightly wrapped with vetwrap bandages to stop any attempts to mess with her bondage. Finally, she is blindfolded and her ankle cuffs are locked to her thigh cuffs. Now she waits in her leather leggings and nylon covered soles for the tickling to begin. Her nylons are ripped off just after halfway through.

Length: 7:24
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Hogtied and Tickled – Jezebel Lee

TheUKLer – The Silent Treatment Part 1 – Jezebel Lee

A 2 part series where the first part is Jezebel attempting the challenge and the second part is her forfeit for failing the challenge.

Jezebel’s challenge is to remain completely still and to not make any noise while I gently tickle and tease her. She starts the challenge completely unrestrained, every time she cracks or moves, one cuff gets added and is tied to the corner of the bed. This gives her 4 chances before she is tied completely spread eagle, at which point she’ll get a few minutes of tickling as a small taster of her forfeit to come in part 2, where even more restraints are added and she has to endure a full 15 minutes of tickling.

Length: 6:17
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – The Silent Treatment Part 1 – Jezebel Lee

TheUKLer – The Silent Treatment Part 2 – Jezebel Lee

The second part of Jezebel’s “stay still and silent” challenge. Of course, in part 1, she fails spectacularly and is now set to suffer her punishment. Four more leather cuffs are added and cinched down with multiple straps each to the bed, completely restricting her movement. Jezebel now has to endure over 15 minutes of tickling, with no part left untouched, and a close-up focus of her upper body and belly near the end.

Length: 17:00
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – The Silent Treatment Part 2 – Jezebel Lee

TheTickleRoom – My Partner Kimberly Finally Gets It!

Here goes quite the story time. Its actually been a long time since I had something this intense. So me and Kim were friends from a young age. She was actually the first woman I saw that I instantly fell in love with. But I did end up moving from the area and then coming back at a later date. Now we were a lot older and actually always crossed paths but never spoke or really intertwined. Now the funny part….is Tickle Kimberly was a REALLY good friend of Brookes but no matter HOW hard Brooke tried Kim refused to shoot. Now fast forward ALL the way to 2021 and me and Kim have reignited meeting each other again and talking.

So we instantly fell for each other again but the largest thing? Her size 10 perfect soles. One day in the car we were talking and she explained to me how much she loved her feet being touched and how she always wanted a man with a foot fetish. The moment I touched her soles she moaned and for months she kept letting me tickle her, worship her feet, spank them but NEVER tie her up and really go at it. Until now. I finally have her size 10 soles locked in the stocks and I am ready to finally go. Now I know she is sensitive but the crazy part is that she giggles and laughs lightly but she actually gets WAY more excited and horny. This clip will show her giggle and laugh especially with certain tools but a little pain? Good touches? The moan takes over and she LITERALLY is in ecstacy. This is a different take than the fans will be used to but trust me. You will love it.

Length: 7:25
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – My Partner Kimberly Finally Gets It!

TheTickleRoom – Queen Dalvinas Bratty First Time Foot Tickle!

Here we have the SUPER Dom Brat Queen Dalvina! She is 19 years young being a short 4’11 but with size 7.5 feet!!! Which are 100% big for her size and unfortunately for her…..SUPER ticklish. She is HYPER sensitive to the point where the moment I start my fingers and the stocks hurt her a tad. She was VERY tough and talking smack the whole way in saying she was NOT gonna even laugh. You can actually hear the girls mocking her for trying to be tough. I barely have to try with the tickling and she is FIGHTING to keep it in but the more I tickle the worse it gets. She is hysterical fighting the tickling as I get in her soles and toes. I do a LOT of finger tickling to start and poor Dalvina is so hysterical with BEAUTIFUL feet and an ADORABLE smile. The tools SEND her and I have to be careful due to pain but I use the pedicure brush and normally people like it. NOT her she LOSES it and tells me to get away from how bad it tickles. But now….its upperbody time.

Length: 8:08
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Queen Dalvinas Bratty First Time Foot Tickle!

TheTickleRoom – Trans Brigittes Hyper Sensitive Big Feet

Ok here we go. By popular vote we are posting a new clip set with the AMAZING Tickle Room vet Transgender Brigitte. So for those who are new, I met this beautiful tall goddess years ago. She was not being taken seriously by the modeling industry at all and I saw a lot of potential and love in her. Well she was not super well off financially and was looking into full on porn but was worried. Well thats when I came in. I asked her 2 questions. What size are your feet and how ticklish are you? She was super nervous and said “10 and its BAD”. She was NOT joking. Well at 5am before a long day she committed to get tickled and that older set is still out to this day. Well YEARS later people have BEGGED me to REALLY tickle her since the first shoot was intense but so early we were both exhausted. She came in NY 2 years ago but it did not go well since we were both going through a LOT. Well now this year she was READY. She came in CONFIDENT and head high telling me shes a new woman and WANTED it. Well I brought the heat. With Cheeky Urbans travel stock set I was ready to rock.

So Brigitte has BIG and WIDE size 10 feet. Like she is BLESSED with some of the SOFTEST feet for someone with BIG feet I have ever seen. Of course with that blessing comes a curse. They are INSANELY sensitive and since she has not really worn heels, wears way more sneakers and socks, gets cleansing pedicures, and has not had me around she is WAY more ticklish than before. I was honestly shocked. I could not believe it at ALL. The MOMENT I touch her soles she is laughing and already fighting me. I give her free reign on the hands for this part since its us reconnecting a bit. Her feet are HUGE in these stocks and it SHOWS. She is pulling her toes and I am BARELY tickling as she is already breathless. I am giving her a chance to relax a LOT to get used to this again. I am a little worried because the stocks are bending and her knees are moving so I get a big pillow to rest her legs. She tells me she actually feels sorry for moving but it TICKLES. She really cannot handle it I am going up and down with tickling and no matter what its too much. So I make a loaded deal (huehuehue I am evil) and I tell her if she can HOLD the stocks without letting go I will ONLY use fingers and NOT use tools. She fails pretty fast but I am nice and let her pick her oil. She goes with Massage oil (mistake. lmfao) and I give her the SAME deal. If she can hold on to the stocks and does not let go I will NOT use tools. The oil clearly makes it worse as she is flailing and lasts like 20 seconds before letting go. Its tool time. I use ONE TOOL before she falls and its time to amp it up if we wanna get through these tools. So this clip is MOSTLY fingers!

Length: 5:26
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Trans Brigittes Hyper Sensitive Big Feet

TheTickleRoom – Veronicas Tickle Hell POV “Desi Double Team Start!”

Veronica just had a hell of a tickling with the nylons but sadly for her and amazing for us that is JUST the beginning. So we move into round 2. Now Veronica is laid down and tied with her arms up and joining the hellish tickling? Desi! She is ready to rock for her first time tickling and wants to WRECK poor Veronica. Now I know you all love to see the reactions but for this I wanted you all RIGHT in the center up close to her soles hearing poor Veronicas hysterical laughter and begging. I start rubbing lotion on her soles and poor Veronica was already giggling. The moment our hands touch her soles she starts kicking before letting LOOSE a hysterical laugh. You see her beautiful pedicured toes start to slowly crunch as she attempts to stop our onslaught of fingers. She loses it as we use 2 hands on each foot. Desi does a GREAT job but now its time for some tools and the whole time Veronica is begging and giggling as she sees me grab the tools. I have not even touched her yet as Desi holds her toes back I get the vibrating back massager PRESSED into Veronicas poor soles and she is HYSTERICAL. She cannot contain her laugh being hysterical and cackling before letting out SCREAMS. But it only gets worse as we BOTH get brushes. The moment we get in sync Veronicas laugh CHANGES in ways we have never seen. She LOSES her mind to the point where I see tears in her eyes and know she needs a break and a breather. This clip includes a lot of BTS and gives her a chance to breathe before phase 2.

Length: 8:18
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Veronicas Tickle Hell POV “Desi Double Team Start!”

SimplyTickling – Gianna Vee’s Blindfolded Armpits Lotioned and Tickled by Marley

This clip was a special request from a patron of mine and it actually turned out amazing! Gianna has her arms cuffed to the foot of the bed with a blindfold on, while Marley rubs in the lotion to her bare armpits. Marley starts very gently and lightly tickling Gianna’s lotioned up bare armpits with the tips of her fingers and nails which is driving Gianna hysterical in no time. Marley has a really fun time finding all of the best tickle spots on Gianna’s armpits, even moving up to her neck and ears a bit while I help tickle with the toothbrush. Gianna cant see where anything is coming from so all she can do is laugh.

Length: 5:56
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Gianna Vee’s Blindfolded Armpits Lotioned and Tickled by Marley