Tag: Ebony

CurationDeTickly – Ebony Diva First Time Hogtied and Tickled

As my guy NBA H-town likes to say, “Life Comes at You Fast” and for our Ebony Diva friend, it’s time to go swimming in the deep waters of tickle kinkery. Hogtied in the kitchen, we’re ready to see if our tickle victim can take the heat! A first for her, and ironically she’s casually talking about a Law & Order SVU episode, before our tickler gives her a hogtied baptism tickling her all over, and of course, removing her sneakers to get at those now sweaty nyloned soles. Not a whole lot to say here, just check the preview! Filmed in crystal clear 4K at multiple angles. Special shout out to Houston Foot Fetish for the camera man assist. Oh, you noticed the stocks at the end of the table did you? Why yes, they do get put to use! Stay Tuned and Stay #Triggered my friends 🙂

Length: 5:19
Resolution: 3840×2160

Download – Ebony Diva First Time Hogtied and Tickled

CurationDeTickly – TeeTee’s First Ever Hogtied Tickling Ordeal – Multi Angle

TeeTee now finds herself hogtied and completely vulnerable to the tickling she deserves. Her shapely legs and feet encased in sheer black nylon thigh highs definitely won’t help make this any easier for her. No setup, storyline, or plot here folks. Just a pretty girl, hogtied on a table rolled in the center of the room, for the purposes of being tickled intensely. Multiple cameras capture the tickling and TeeTee’s delicious reactions as the tickler explores her feet, legs, upper thighs, back, sides, and armpits purely for your viewing pleasure (and his own delight as well). We should also mention that this is her first time in such a position, and we hope it won’t be the last. 12 minutes of non-stop tickle torment of this lovely mixed beauty!

Length: 11:49
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – TeeTee’s First Ever Hogtied Tickling Ordeal – Multi Angle

UKTickling – Insanely Ticklish Joa Hysterical In The Stocks!

Gorgeous Joa Nova may just be one of the most ticklish models we’ve ever worked with and her debut tickle scene is truly wild! Joa is very beautiful with a very hot body. She’s also insanely ticklish – literally everywhere! Wearing a little red dress with matching heels and pantyhose, Joa has her wrists cuffed with feet in the stocks. She knows how ticklish she is and is very nervous to begin with…she nearly jumps out of her skin as soon as it starts! Her reactions are right off the scale as she shrieks and squeals like crazy at even the lightest touch on her nylon feet. She’s in a hysterical state before her heels have even come off! Needless to say, what follows is a loud and crazy tickle session, as Joa’s feet, legs and body are tickled while she goes completely nuts…we have to let her stop to let her just breathe a few times as she really does wear herself out! Her body is tickled but proves so ticklish that even the lightest touch has her squirming and shrieking – she definitely can’t cope with the belly tickling! Her dress comes down and Joa’s amazing boobs prove to be crazily ticklish too as she writhes, laughs, screams and squeals – even thinking about being tickled is enough to set her off and she can’t stop laughing. After some more tickling on her nylon feet, the stockings are ripped to expose her super-sensitive bare soles. Joa goes crazy again as her bare feet get tormented with fingers and the feather, which is very effective as it goes in between her toes and strokes her soles! By the end of it all. It’s a long scene and Joa is completely ruined by the end of it, as she tries to calm and catch her breath again…it was totally crazy and a lot of fun!

Length: 17:10
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Insanely Ticklish Joa Hysterical In The Stocks!

MuertasDeRisa – Luna Extra Wide Soles – Full Session – 25 Minutes Without Mercy

This morning I decided to go hunting down the street to see if I found a new victim with prety feet to tickling and to my surprise I crossed with Luna, she has 33-year-old, from Costa Rica with delicious feet size 39, extra wide and meaty. I could not help proposing it if I wanted to be our new model of Muertas de risa. Luna could not believe my proposal and exploded in a big laugh and I accept it happy.

Immediately we went to the studio so he would not regret it and she was already with her delicious fat feet tied in the stocks at my mercy.

Once completely immobilized she begins to tremble with nerves for the excitement of knowing that she will be tickled without mercy and this moves me deeply. Just touch your soles and I can see that our new model is terribly ticklish. She start to sweat at the first contact of my fingers and inmediatly her strong toes is closed while she explode in laughts. … but she has no idea that how is the real tickling.

…Luna´s feet are so big and extra wide, and when I tickling on her fat toes, she start to laught uncontrollably. Her laught is explosive and wonderfull … im so excited …

Length: 25:39
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Luna Extra Wide Soles – Full Session – 25 Minutes Without Mercy

UKTickling – Jay Brings Ruby For A Crazy Foot Tickle Session!

MissyJay returns persuaded another one of her best friends to come along and shoot, and we’re glad she did as this one is insane! Ruby is ridiculously ticklish with wild reactions and they make a crazy duo as they are bound and foot tickled in two positions! The girls wear matching tops and skirts, with heels and sheer pantyhose as they have their feet suspended on the mule to start with. Jay had warned me that Ruby would be something else, and her reactions don’t disappoint as the tickling begins. Once again, Jay laughs, squirms and writhes around frantically (she really does move!), but Ruby’s reactions are extreme! She squeals, shrieks and laughs hysterically, and Jay can’t help laughing at her as well as the tickling! Next, they go into the stocks side-by-side, and things are no less crazy here. Ruby is hysterical once more and Jay nearly squirms out of her seat as she wriggles and tries to get away. The nylons are ripped and Ruby is introduced to the hairbrush as well with a predicatably wild response. They are exhausting to watch as Ruby has reactions whilst Jay just goes to pieces. Again, it took a long time for them to calm down once this one was over!

Length: 14:35
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Jay Brings Ruby For A Crazy Foot Tickle Session!

TheTickleRoom – Davida Michelles Audition Pt 2 “Armpits for the Win!”

Davida is one SEXY ticklish woman and her feet are INSANELY soft but lets see if her upperbody matches! So we start with her arms up and now its time. I start tickling her thighs and knees to an IMMEDIATE reaction of her giggling. She begs as I REALLY get in there. Then its back to the tummy and she is still a giggling mess. Then I undo her pants and ge to those hips and she LOSES it. She hysterically giggles that her poor tummy hurt from the laughing. The neck turns her on and the MOMENT I touch her armpits she goes “Red”. So I wreck her tummy before getting to those armpits and she LOSES it OMG before going red AGAIN. This video ends with Davidas end interview!

Length: 9:23
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Davida Michelles Audition Pt 2 “Armpits for the Win!”

TheTickleRoom – Davida Michelles Audition Pt 1 “Kinky and Quick”

This is one of those moments that was so FAST and amazing how it happened I am still shocked tbh lol. Davida is a Texas model who through word of mouth heard about my shoot and was INSTANTLY down. So down that we did a phone call 5 minutes after texting, and 30 minutes later she was on set and ready to rock. I LIVE for that kind of drive and motivation and well lets just say this shoot did NOT disappoint. Davida is 32 years old with SOFT size 7 feet. She is a light tickle lee so she laughs lightly occasionally looking away for help! She is also pretty kinky and excited but nervous to give this a shot. So we start with the shoe and sock removal test that immediately gets her giggling and next she is toe tied in the chair. The moment I start tickling her feet she giggles lightly and her feet are SO soft with little wrinkles. I use lotion and the pace picks up but the MOMENT I use the brush she LOSES IT. This is one fun amazing buildup with honestly a GREAT model! Send customs because this is one model I would LOVE to get more of!

Length: 16:14
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Davida Michelles Audition Pt 1 “Kinky and Quick”