Tag: f/f

SolesScreamExperience – Unusual Restaurant – Flip A Card and See What Happens

Bri, Paisley, and Ama attend the grand opening of an unusual restaurant. They sit down and are greeted by their server, Dewayne. There are cards on the table, but their purpose isn’t explained. The ladies finally notice them and proceed to experiment.

Length: 10:52
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Unusual Restaurant – Flip A Card and See What Happens

SolesScreamExperience – Touch Starved turns to Tickles

The ladies lounge together on the sofa when the subject of tattoos comes up and the experience with the sensation of it. However, thing progress to a full-blown tickle exploration as the girls tickle each other and then gang up on one another.

Toward the end we see that they ladies tired themselves out enough to get some shut eye.

Length: 12:56
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Touch Starved turns to Tickles

LaughterIsBeautifulProductions – LiB Classic Mia & Remi-Tickle Talk

Two sexy girls on one couch talking. The conversation is tickling. Not just conversation about tickling but tickling action as well! The girls tease and tickle one another. Their fingers wiggle and hit each ticklish spot, causing such a cute, playful laugh. A very playful, yet unique, video between two ticklish friends.

Length: 14:57
Resolution: 3840×2160

Download – LiB Classic Mia & Remi-Tickle Talk

LaughterIsBeautifulProductions – LiB Classic Erin & Mia (part 1)

Due to a recent breakup, Erin has done nothing but mope and be depressed. Her friend Mia decides to cheer her up…by making her laugh! Mia tickles Erin’s cute socked feet to her ticklish upper body. Erin tries to get away from the tickling. However, Mia is having way too much fun being a tickler.

Length: 16:16
Resolution: 3840×2160

Download – LiB Classic Erin & Mia (part 1)