Tag: f/m

Fettish – Tickle Therapy Vengeance -Skye Stone

Some girls are worse than others. I dont mean worse as in, bad at this – no. Quite the opposite. Some are so skilled that I cannot wait for this to be over!

This was one of those times.

As always, I had put Skye through the paces during her visit but I had to (yes had to, you guys KEEP buying this series so I guess until that goes away I’m stuck doing them) give her a kick at the can.

Her nails were made of my nightmares, and her skill was equally awful. You’ll see.

Length: 19:29
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickle Therapy Vengeance -Skye Stone

Fettish – Tickle Therapy Vengeance – Emily Rose 2

Emily asked what she should bring on her trip, so I told her what I usually ask, gym attire such as booty shorts, and something in the way of domme attire. Once I sat in the chair and looked up to get strapped in, she walks in wearing high black boots, and laced up leather pants.

This wasn’t what I expected. I’ve switched a lot of times but she almost scared me with her presence and sudden shift in mannerisms.

And then it started.

Length: 12:18
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickle Therapy Vengeance – Emily Rose 2

Fettish – Therapy Vengenace – Batman

This wasn’t exactly planned lol
Agatha, Sage, and Ashlee all arrived with some superhero costumes from the DC universe and once I started getting gang tickled, Agatha…well, Catwoman – decided this was going to be an interrogation scene against Batman (I suppose my black clothing worked in favor of this?) involving Harley Quinn and apparently traitorous Batgirl.
I hadn’t been done this way since the table seen months back with 3 other girls, and I’d forgotten how much I…errr Batman – hated it!

Length: 15:07
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Therapy Vengenace – Batman