Let’s be honest, I’ve been pretty terrible and have tickled Bri a LOT. But also, a LOT without mercy. But then who can resist? She’s absolutely 10/10, with gorgeous and ticklish feet. You’d do it too, wouldn’t you? Of course you would. But in doing so you need to remember that she’s not one with a bad memory.
No in fact, quite the opposite. She not only won’t forget but she doesn’t exactly forgive either. She gagged me and I quickly realized I had forgotten to give a safety signal. Well too late now, wasn’t it. So I guess this became it’s own No Safeword…inadvertently. It’s VERY clear she’s having a good time, as she tickles, taunts, and mocks me throughout ….all while forgetting the damned timer!
Length: 22:56
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Tickle Therapy- Vengeance 3

I was pretty bad to Ginary in everything I put her through (fine, I admit I’m a sadist) so it was only fair she had a go at me. Once again, I get a woman who says she doesn’t usually do the lee part and yet excels at it. Ginary was relentless. As always I can’t budge, and her gag on me was done really well. Normally it’ll be a go/pause rhythm …not this time, which made me wonder if she bullshitted me about that whole ‘I don’t usually do this’ line.
I didn’t take a Safeword, because well…I probably don’t deserve one.
Length: 19:04
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Tickle Therapy – Vengeance 2

This was toward the end of Nayrus visit. I had been deliciously terrible to her so as is my currently policy (since you pricks like it) I’ll continue to subject myself to my own devices.
This is my first ride in my own chair. She jackets me, harness gags my face, locks me in my stocks, pins my head back with a wide strap, ties my big toes in place and straps my legs down. And off she goes…
Length: 20:25
Resolution: 1440×1080
Download – Tickle Therapy – Vengeance 1

Securing Frank down, Viviane excitedly straps and ties down Frank to her tickle table to put him through her special sensitivity test. The warmth of Frank’s body reacted strongly to Viviane’s short, stinging tickles, causing him to wriggle with his naked chest and cock poking out of his boxer shorts. With the way Viviane’s natural sharp fingers scrape across Frank’s skin, the tiny boy squirms and kicks on his feet, reacting extremely sensitively to Viviane’s touch.
He has no idea that every time Viviane tickles him, she gets a sick thrill out of seeing him wince, flush, and swell. Frank is too wriggly and weak to resist his hypersensitive body; he twists to the left when he’s squeezed and tickled to the right, and he frantically changes his body side to side when he’s tickle attacked. The more he giggles and thrashes around, the more she tickles him, starting with the soles of his feet (a particularly vulnerable spot) and working her way up his sensitive, ticklish, soft, squishy thighs, all the way to his thin ribcage, and eventually armpits. For Viviane, it was impossible to let him go without tickling and squishing every inch of his body!
Frank’s sensitivity has only increased with the passage of time, and now here comes Viviane to take charge and find out if he’s still as much of a wimp as he’s always been!
Length: 11:01
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Viviane Tickles Frank to Oblivion

Tricking sweet little Alice, an angry Mad Hatter tricks Alice into being her accomplice as they punish the Caterpillar with merciless tickling and teasing, taunting of the nervous system. The Mad Hatter suspects him of stealing all the sugar from her tea party, and she’s going to tickle it back out of him with her and Alice’s expert fingers. Unable to escape because he is cuffed and tied down, he starts to squirm and sweat. The Hatter and Alice insist that he admit his wrongdoings, but he seems to resist. Wiggling her fingers, stretching them out, the Hatter excitedly starts to work the caterpillars body all the way from his toes to his nose. Maybe a little scratch on the belly will do to make him talk? Or perhaps a raspberry to make him really thrash! A long tickle all over his sensitive body will be more than enough for him to beg for his life, as the Hatter makes Alice tickle as torturously as she can. Unfortunately for the caterpillar, these women hold a tremendous grudge over his nasty lying. They continue to tickle him up and down in his most sensitive spots, until his whole body shakes to the core and he begs for a break.
Length: 12:00
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Mad Hatter & Alice Tickle Interrogate The Caterpillar

Autumn and Morgana have been mercilessly tickling Antickl for on a livestream and have him near the breaking point. Tied spread eagle face down Autumn and Morgana each have a foot to to work on. Their tickling technique is unmatched as they lightly skip their nails across his upturned soles. Teasing and mocking him as he announces his suffering. Morgana loves to use all ten fingers to stimulate the sole while Autumn has one hand holding his toes back while she skittles her nails up and down his smooth sensitive sole. Autumn and Morgana casually repeat his incoherent words as he suffers. Antickl reaches the point where he can no longer communicate. Autumn says,” Scrunch your toes if you want us to stop”. Antickl immediately does so and receives mercy. If you love to see a really ticklish guy ticked by two expert ticklers, this is a must see clip.
Length: 9:01
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Scrunch Your Toes if you Want us to Stop

This campus has seen its share of misbehaved boys in the past, but none quite as unruly as Nicky. It’s gotten to the point where he has been sent to be dealt with by the school’s most feared and statistic disciplinarian, Ama Rio. She thinks it’s about time that Nicky suffer the harsh consequences of his behavior. So Ama has decided to bring Nicky to her punishment chamber at the end of the corridor, where she has him bound to the table. It is where she is going to administer a lengthy cruel tickling as punishment.
Nicky can do nothing but laugh and squirm against the restraints as Ama thoroughly tickles his shirtless upperbody and sensitive bare feet. He will either learn to behave properly on this campus, or he will continue to be mercilessly tickle tormented extensively by the tall beautiful disciplinarian!
Length: 9:52
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – The Disciplinarian

Dexter is in the red room of torment where he is going to be methodically tickle tormented by two extremely hot girls, Dacey and Ama. The girls are very focused on making sure that he suffers as much as possible. As he lays there almost naked and restrained securely to the table, the girls use their fingers to mercilessly tickle his feet, legs and upperbody. By the end of his ordeal, he’s left in a sweaty mess, drained of all his energy. The girls might be super hot, but they are also very cruel!
Length: 10:12
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – He Gets No Mercy