Meet a new model, charming, cute, and funny girl Nastya or “Bad Red Hair girl”.
Having met her, I realized that she was only started her travel to adulthood. Growing up in an orphanage and not knowing parental love and care, the girl was in spite of everything very sweet and interesting.
So the video consists entirely of tickling her feet while reading a story by Howard Phillips Lovecraft.
Putting her socked feet on a table she begins to read, and I tickle her feet. Then I take one sock off and continue. The girl behaves with restraint, although she is very ticklish. Here you will see many angles of her sexy soft feet.
The girl reads the book carefully, but at some moments she gets distracted by tickling and laughs.
Then she lies and I put her bare feet on my lap, lubricate them with cream and continue to tickle her. Here’s a POV where you will see a close-up of her feet, and then the girl’s face with her reaction.
Length: 17:40
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Bad naughty Red Hair girl reads a book while her pretty feet get tickled

Katie is a girl that we convinced of the fetishist field, although she was a little unaware about the tickle fetish, we convinced her to participate in a session, she was only a little afraid of tickling since she claimed to be quite ticklish, but she still accepted.
Her first time will be in the stock, her most ticklish area of course her feet, she was telling the truth, she is quite ticklish, as the use of the security word has become habitual since there comes a point where she can no longer resist, the tickler will use various tools on Katie’s soles, personally silicone brushes and a feather connected to a scale remover were the most effective, which tool would you choose with her?
Age: 26 years old
Height: 1.50 meters.
Foot size: 6USA / 23cm / 35EU
Occupation: Alternative Model
Hobby: Esotericism
Length: 22:02
Resolution: 1440×1080
Download – Super ticklish Katie 1st Time

Tickling beautiful girls has become commonplace, this time it’s up to Jane and Melissa, tied stretched out by the wrists and ankles on a mattress, they will endure what these 2 evil ticklers have in store for them.
The first turn is for Jane, who will take the worst part?
Length: 21:29
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Desperate Jane enduring tickles

Luna is bound and exposed, and subjected to over 30 minutes of clit and foot tickling with multiple orgasms! Super hot video!
Length: 37:51
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – The Most Sensitive Spot!

Luna gets tied up and tickled without mercy all over her body! Lots of intimate sexy interaction between Luna and her tormenter in this clip. And there are several shrieks! 🙂
Length: 25:19
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Sexy Tickling for Luna!

After completely destroying her victim, she allows him to exact revenge. He ties her to the bed face down and tickles her ruthlessly for over twenty minutes. This is mostly foot tickling, with some extra bits thrown in at the end for good measure. Lots of shrieking in this one!
Length: 23:18
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – No Mercy Revenge!

Our 18 year old student Katharina is in an intense hogtied position. She never had any experience with positions like this in her whole life and was very nervous before the session. I put the handcuffs very tightly around her wrists this time and connected them with the cuffs from her ankles, so she was completely helpless and couldn’t move. Her long fingernails were so close to her feet, that SHE CONSTANTLY TOUCHED HER OWN SOLES WITH HER NAILS. When I took off her shoes, I directly noticed HOW SWEATY HER WHITE ANKLE SOCKS ARE. They even smelled extremely, and I could guess directly that she was wearing her Adidas Sneakers all day. You can see every little detail in the video!
I started tickling her and Katarina laughed immediately! This girl was definitely not enjoying this position. She moved her fingernails very hysterically during the whole session. I think it’s a tick of hers when I tickle her soft soles that she has to hectically move her fingers all the time! I started to use the baby oil and the brush and Katarinas reaction changed. “Ahahahahahahahaha” her face started to turn red, her hair started to sweat and she laughed even more! After the session she just said to me “I HATE THE OIL ON MY FEET, IT FEELS SO WEIRD TO ME”. Don’t miss this intense session with our 18 year old student girl!
Length: 21:56
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – 18 year old Katarina – I hate the oil on my feet! Ticklish Hogtied session!

Over the top ticklish Bella is a warrior! A warrior is one who won’t back down from a challenge. I had tickled her a handful of times prior to this, and it’s evident how sensitive her feet are.
In this series if you aren’t familiar, it takes on a sensory deprivation twist, taking away sight and hearing along with movement and speech. Their focus is completely on their areas being tickled (usually feet but I’ve been known to be a jerk and go for the neck, knees, and anything else not exposed by the straightjacket. Bella is always fun and never disappoints!
Length: 20:20
Resolution: 1440×806
Download – Totally Helpless – Bella Ink