Tag: m/f

Fettish – No Safeword – Parker Skyes

Parker, Parker, Parker….. You know when you scream like that it’s just going to make Derek tickle you harder, right?

That’s exactly what happens in this No Safeword clip. For fifteen minutes, Derek makes Parker Skyes scream and curse his name using all manner of scrubby tools on her supple feet. Light works too, but the harder tools are the ones that get the best reaction from her bratty mouth.

Speaking of brats (oh hey hi yeah, I am one but we don’t have to talk about that, SHUSH ), One of my favorite moments is when a brat tells Derek “fuck you” and then they IMMEDIATELY regret it. As in, Derek does the absolute worst, most ticklish thing he could do to that specific model and she’s very quickly apologizing and begging him to stop. Case in point, at around 12 minutes Parker does this exact thing. Even though she’s gagged, you can still hear her screaming “I take it back!” before Derek even touches her feet, but that doesn’t matter. Derek won’t stop for anything less than “I’m sorry”, and even then it’s No Safeword, so him stopping is debatable.

I suggest next time, Parker, you mind your manners. Otherwise he might never stop.

Length: 19:03
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – No Safeword – Parker Skyes

Fettish – Tickle Table – Miss Mia

It’s not often that my Ler side gets activated when I’m watching these clips but uhm, yeah I’d destroy Miss Mia. New on the block, this girl is hella ticklish, though it takes Derek a few minutes to figure out how. Fingers get some cute little giggles but if you want to hear the screams and the hysterics, you need to use tools on this girl. Cue: the Shocker.

Oh man. The shocker sent Miss Mia to the edge and let me tell you, it sent me too. I wanted to tickle her so fucking badly when Derek took two of them to her arches, and that, my friends, is SAYING something. Whoof.

(Safety check: there is a moment where it seems like Miss Mia is near tears (we love to see it) but she’s near breaking and isn’t using her safeword (we don’t love to see it, awh!). Derek plays safely and reminds her she can use it, and she does so just about instantly when he starts up again. I want to clarify too that she does tend to use “red” like most of us would use our “yellow” safeword, though there is a moment where they take a break and we come back to more. Derek is not ignoring her safeword when she says “red”!)

As many breaks as she needed, I am incredibly looking forward to seeing her No Safeword bit, and I have a feeling you should be too. Maybe they should play tickle dice too….. What do you think?

Length: 14:40
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickle Table – Miss Mia

Fettish – Tickled In Steel – Lil’ Mizz Unique

Welcome to the next circle of hell, ladies, gents, and tickle folk alike. Derek is extra cruel in this clip, prepare yourselves.

Lil’ Miss Unique is bound to the unforgiving steel cross, and is quickly, oh so quickly reduced to tears. Her inner thighs are unbearably ticklish, and Derek spends many minutes focused on them with a bit too much glee for my taste. Unique looks desperately into the camera (2:50), practically begging you to help her get free. Derek ignores her.

And then. AND THEN. If that wasn’t ENOUGH. The ruddy bastard tapes TWO electric toothbrushes to either side of her neck, juuuuust out of reach of her skin, but if she moves, she’s done for. Oh. My. GOD. Snurf, all the snurf, so much snurf….. you reached a new level of sadism, Derek.

Unique tries so hard to hold still but the moment Derek is on those gorgeous thighs she’s gone, and both her worst spots are being tormented egregiously. I mean, come ON. I don’t often say it’s not fair because it’s always fair to take advantage the weaknesses of tickle toys, but this really was so not fair. She had no chance.

I squirmed in my seat for her, and offered a three-fingered salute in comradic spirit.

Length: 11:08
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickled In Steel – Lil’ Mizz Unique