Tag: VIP Clips

TickleAbuse – Nikki Brooks Soles Up

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Nikki Brooks is soles up and Zoe cannot wait to get her tongue all over her soles. She likes to nibble too and punish pretty girls with her fingernails. Zoe teases her verbally too but she really just wants to get to the point and torment Nikki.

Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 4011 kbps,  fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 48000Hz, 192 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 11:48.237
Size: 351,877 Mb

Download – Nikki Brooks Soles Up

TickleAbuse – Carmen Tease Deny Vibe

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Carmen Valentina is naked and stretched on the Rack, Scarlett wants to make her cum, really hard, but first she wants to make her earn it. Scarlett starts her off with some body tickling and then brings out the vibe, but she isn’t going to allow Carmen to cum anytime soon. Whenever she gets close, Scarlett stops and tickles her more. When she finally lets her cum, she of course ruins it with some post orgasm tickling.

Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 4011 kbps,  fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 48000Hz, 192 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 12:18.744
Size: 367,281 Mb

Download – Carmen Tease Deny Vibe

TickleAbuse – Andi Total Body

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Sunshine has her friend Andi in the soles up, arms up position and wants to find out if she is in fact as ticklish as she says. Andi is pretty damn ticklish everywhere, so Sunshine spends half her time upper body and half on her feet.

Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 4011 kbps,  fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 48000Hz, 192 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 9:16.386
Size: 275,666 Mb

Download – Andi Total Body

TickleIntensive – Thirty Ticklish Toes

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This ones for the books THREE BEAUTIFUL AND EXTREMELY TICKLISH WOMEN HAVE BEEN WRAPPED AND STRAPPED TO THE BED FOR A LEGENDARY TICKLING SCENE! Its not often that one gets three pairs of hot and incredibly ticklish feet tied to the bed and its even more rare to have such a hot mix first up is Heather, a hot blonde with extremely sensitive size 7.5 feet. Next is Elena, a gorgeous European fashion model with HUGE and extremely ticklish size 12.5 (WW) feet! And finally theres Chie, a DESPERATELY TICKLISH CHINESE HOTTIE with size 8.5 feet! The feet are the worst for all three women so all of their feet have been tightly toetied for complete immobility!

BIANCA AND STORM CAN HARDLY BELIEVE THEIR EYES THREE HOT WOMEN WITH THREE PAIRS OF HOT TICKLISH SOLES TO TORMENT! They dont need any encouragement and they dive right in, tickling all three of the girls feet at once, causing all of them to burst into bouts of hysterical laughter! HEATHER, ELENA, AND CHIE ALL HOWL WITH HYSTERIA AS THEIR FEET ARE MERCILESSLY RAKED BY THE TWO SADISTIC WOMEN! They beg frantically when baby oil is applied to their ticklish feet, they know the oil is going to make their sensitive soles even more ticklish, but their begging only encourages the girls to tickle them even harder! ALL THREE GIRLS SCREAM WITH HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER AND STRUGGLE LIKE MADWOMEN AS THE INTENSE FOOT TICKLING DRIVES THEM CRAZY! Bianca and Storm decide to give their captives feet some sadistic individual attention they gang up on each pair of ticklish feet with fingernails, dual pinwheels, and dual hairbrushes! Heather, Elena, and Chie have their feet tickled until theyre screaming with agonized laughter and begging for mercy or until the girls decide they once again want to hear all three of them shrieking with laughter at the same time!

The girls upperbodies are also extremely ticklish and they dont escape their tormentors evil fingers. Bianca and Storm viciously tickle t0rture all three of the girls excruciatingly ticklish armpits, side, stomach, and hips! THE GIRLS SCREAM AND BUCK WITH HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER, BEGGING FOR THE TICKLING TO STOP, BUT THEIR TORMENTORS JUST SMIRK AT THEIR DESPERATE PLEADING WHILE CONTINUING TO TICKLE THEM WITHOUT A TRACE OF MERCY!

Heather, Elena, and Chie are all drenched in sweat and gasping for air from the extreme tickling, but its not over yet! Bianca and Storm tickle their feet until theyre completely wrecked. USING A COMBINATION OF THEIR NAILS AND FOUR HAIRBRUSHES AT THE SAME TIME, THE GIRLS CRUELLY TICKLE T0RTURE THEIR VICTIMS BARE FEET UNTIL THEYRE SCREAMING WITH AGONIZED LAUGHTER! Tickled into complete exhaustion, the girls are left strapped to the bed dripping with sweat, gasping for air, and relieved the tickling is finally over for now.

Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1280×720,, 6016 kbps,  fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 320 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 12:38.347
Size: 560,175 Mb

Download – Thirty Ticklish Toes

TickleIntensive – Lacey Scott’s Beach Day

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Hot blond MILF Lacey Scott is nervous and with good reason. Shes been buried at the beach with just her head and DESPERATELY TICKLISH SIZE 8 FEET EXPOSED (NOTE THE HOT TOE RINGS)! Lacey cant move an inch and her sensitive toes have been tightly toetied for complete immobility. Making matters even more frustrating, her sandals have been placed right next to her, but they only serve to tease her as she has no way of getting to them.

Bianca cant wait to get to work on Lacey. She wastes no time in getting started, VICIOUSLY RAKING HER SHARP FINGERNAILS UP AND DOWN HER BARE SOLES, smirking with satisfaction as she screams with hysterical laughter! Lacey cant stand the intense tickling and begs for mercy, but theres nothing quite like driving a hot blond MILF crazy with tickle t0rture, and Bianca intends to take full advantage of this opportunity! "COME ON, STOP, PLEASE! GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!" SHE SQUEALS, BUT ITS NO USE, AND THE TICKLING CONTINUES UNABATED. After coating her feet in baby oil to make them even more sensitive to the touch, she spiders her fingernails in Lacey's tender arches and just under the toes, her worst spots, making her shriek with hysteria! SHE WHIPS HER HEAD BACK AND FORTH IN FRUSTRATION AND HOWLS WITH LAUGHTER AS BIANCA HAS HER WAY WITH HER FEET! Lacey gasps in horror when Bianca breaks out the comb and the hairbrush, she hates both implements. The comb dragged between her toes and across her arches drives her crazy, making her hoot and squeal with laughter, BUT THE BRUSH SCRUBBING HER SENSITIVE SOLES MAKES HER SCREAM AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS WITH HYSTERIA, PROMPTING BIANCA TO SCRUB HER SOLES FOR A LOOOONG TIME!

Lacey is gasping and sputtering with exhaustion, SHE SAYS SHE CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, BIANCA'S NOT STOPPING FOR EVEN A SECOND! The sadistic redhead continues to tickle her bare feet, forcing her to tilt her head to the sky and cackle hysterically, screaming for her to stop when she finds the breath to beg. BIANCA DOESN'T STOP TICKLING LACEY'S FEET UNTIL SHE'S COMPLETELY WRECKED, scrubbing her soles with the brush until shes screaming with laughter and drenched in sweat, promising ANYTHING to stop the tickling…

Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1920×1080,, 8023 kbps,  fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 320 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 10:16.613
Size: 596,948 Mb

Download – Lacey Scott's Beach Day

TickleIntensive – Lacey Scott Suffers

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Lacey Scott is a hot blonde whos RIDICULOUSLY TICKLISH, ESPECIALLY ON HER HOT SIZE 8 FEET! She was very hesitant to get wrapped TOPLESS and tickled on the bed, but Bianca assured her this scene wouldnt be as bad, but the sadistic redhead loves breaking promises to restrained hotties! She subjects to Lacey to a BRUTAL NONSTOP TICKLING SESSION!

LACEY HAS NO IDEA HOW BAD THIS IS GOING TO BE, but as soon as she feels Biancas nails on her silky soles, she knows its going to be way more than she can take! Unable to control herself, she bursts into hysterical laughter the second she feels those wicked fingernails raking her arches, cackling like a witch possessed! SHE SCREAMS FOR MERCY ALMOST IMMEDIATELY, BUT BIANCA REFUSES TO GIVE HER A BREAK, COVERING HER FEET IN BABY OIL AND MAKING HER SCREAM WITH HYSTERIA INSTEAD! The baby oil is very effective on poor Lacey and she practically howls with laughter, screaming OH GOD, OH MY FUCKING GOD, STOP!! as her feet are mercilessly tickled. The comb and brush applied to Laceys bare feet are also incredibly effective. She screams at the top of her lungs with agonized laughter when Bianca tickles her feet and toes with the comb and she goes wild when her feet are subjected to a brutal brushing!

Laceys sweaty and sensitive upperbody is just too hot to ignore. BIANCA VICIOUSLY TICKLES HER ARMPITS, SIDES, BREASTS, NIPPLES STOMACH, AND HIPS, causing the hysterical woman to shriek with hysterical laughter and struggle as hard she can, her muscles standing out in sharp relief as she fightsher bonds! BUT SHES TIED TIGHT AND THERES NO ESCAPE FROM BIANCAS LONG FINGERS as she gleefully tickles poor Lacey harder and harder, her sadistic grin growing wider with each bout of desperate laughter!

BIANCA CANT GET ENOUGH OF TICKLING LACEY SCOTT. Shes dripping with sweat and gasping for air but her exhaustion doesnt matter to the evil redhead. Bianca returns her feet and destroys the hysterical blonde, making her scream with peal after peal of hot hysteria until she swears she cant take it anymore, earning her poor feet an even harsher tickling! For the climax, LACEYS FEET ARE PUNISHED WITH A BRUTAL DUAL HAIRBRUSH SEGMENT THAT LEAVES HER COMPLETELY WRECKED! She is left tied to the bed drenched in sweat, gasping for air, and moaning with relief.

Video: WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main), 1920×1080,, 8023 kbps,  fps
Audio: 0x0161 (WMA v2), 44100Hz, 320 kbps CBR, 2 channel(s)
Duration: 10:50.700
Size: 625,322 Mb

Download – Lacey Scott Suffers