Category: RandomSoleEncounters

RandomSoleEncounters – Newbie Nicole’s 1st Nylon Foot Tickle – Nylon and Barefoot Tickling!

If you saw “Newbie” Nicole’s 1st tickling video you’ll know that this waitress has some very ticklish feet and fantastic reactions to being tickled!

I thought it would be fun to test out Nicole’s very ticklish feet in nylons. Nicole has never been tickled in nylons, she thought it would be less ticklish because there was a layer of material covering her feet. When I told her it may make her feet more ticklish she wasn’t sure if I was telling the truth or not.

Nicole starts off in nude nylons. My original plan was for her to wear them for an entire work shift but that didn’t pan out. I think we’ll do that for a future video! For now, we can call this a nylon tickle test!

I start off light but it really doesn’t matter with her. She has some of the most ticklish feet of any model I’ve tickled so everything works on her soft soles and toes. I try out all of my tools and see what gets the best reaction from her too.

Toward the middle of the session, I cut off the tops of the nylons so we could compare bare and nylon tickling. I have some fun tricks up my sleeve that get Nicole really going. She quickly gets to the point of saying “No, no, no!” and asking me to stop repeatedly. Do I? Of course not!

I make sure to give Nicole’s soles a complete tickling from nylon covered all the way to bare. Which do you think tickled the most?

Length: 10:40
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Newbie Nicole’s 1st Nylon Foot Tickle – Nylon and Barefoot Tickling!

RandomSoleEncounters – Nathalia Pays the Price – Foot Tickled 3 Ways!

Nathalia is a friend, model, and fellow fetish producer. She was in town and wanted to use my studio to film some of her own content, she even offered to pay for the studio time. But what kind of friend would I be to charge her to use my studio? Besides, I had another idea in mind that would be much more fun!

I offered Nathalia a simple deal. She would just have to read a book (Dr. Seuss’ “The Foot Book”). If she can read it from start to finish in 5 minutes she can use my studio for free! The catch? She has to have her size 7 feet tickled as she reads it. If she stops or messes up she has to start all over again. If Nathalia doesn’t finish the book within 5 minutes then she has to pay a special price for using my studio…I get to tickle her feet for 15 minutes!

There’s a great moment in the clip when I tell her about his challenge and you see her face go from happy to annoyed. She wasn’t expecting to have to be tickled to use my studio. Nathalia has very ticklish feet and being tickled isn’t her 1st choice when it comes to modeling jobs. But she reluctantly accepted my challenge.

Part one of this clip is the “Tickled While Reading Challenge”. If you couldn’t tell by the title (or length) of this clip, Nathalia fails miserably. Although she tries her hardest, her feet are just too ticklish to get through reading a simple book.

That means it’s time to move on to her tickle penalty!


Nathalia’s very sensitive soles are locked down, her toes tied, and vulnerable. I decided to test out all my tools and see what makes her go crazy. The great thing is that everything tickles her! Fingers, feathers, brushes…you name it and it gets her laughing and trying to free her feet from the stocks. It’s not long into the tickling that she’s sweating and out of breath!

Nathalia is great to tickle because her ticklishness doesn’t seem to wear off at all. I think you could tickle her all day and she’d remain just as ticklish as when you started! I love her laugh too! She’s someone I could tickle for hours.


After the 1st part, Nathalia thought that was it. I had to tell her there was one more part left to her penalty. I showed her the nude nylons and she knew what she was in for. The thin nylons make her feet more sensitive and she’s not a fan of it at all! She quickly gets to laughing, giggling, squealing, and squirming as I test out my tools on her soles.

Towards the end, I cut off the tops of her nylons to get in a mix of bare and nylon sole and toe tickling. I try to get her to tell me what tickles more but I think it all tickles too much for her to give a proper comparison. I make sure Nathalia earns her free use of my studio and tickle her until she’s sweaty and exhausted!

I think I should make a payment in tickling the standard requirement anytime she wants to use my studio. What do you think?

Here’s another long clip! Over 20 minutes of foot tickling for you to enjoy!

Length: 22:59
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Nathalia Pays the Price – Foot Tickled 3 Ways!

RandomSoleEncounters – MORE TICKLE GAMES Nicole Versus The Tickle Clock! – Double Teamed Foot Tickling Penalty!

Nicole won the “Tickle Spelling Bee” against Nathalia and thought she was free and clear from being tickled this time.

CHECK OUT THAT CLIP: TICKLE GAMES: Spelling Bee-he-he-ha-ha! – Loser Goes To Tickle Detention!

But you know I wasn’t going to let her get away that easy!

I had another game ready for Nicole – “The Tickle Clock”.


– Nicole must endure 5 minutes of foot tickling from Nathalia. If she does, her cash prize from winning the spelling bee is doubled. If she loses (by using her safeword), she is stocked, toe-tied, and double-team tickled.

– The twist is that I won’t tell Nicole when the 5-minute time limit has passed. This means Nicole has to try and figure out (or guess) when the 5 minutes have expired and then use her safeword to make the tickling stop.

– If she stops the game too soon then she’ll have to endure non-stop, double-team tickling.
– If she waits too long she’ll have to take more tickling than she’d need to to win.


As you can see, this clip is well over 5-minutes. Yes, Nicole loses her battle versus “The Tickle Clock.” She puts up a good fight but her timing was just a bit off.

That means she has to face the penalty!

Nicole is locked in the stocks with her big toes tied back. Nathalia is ready to get tickle revenge on Nicole and I’m going to help her. We don’t take it easy on Nicole’s extremely ticklish feet. This is a punishment after all!

We use fingers and a variety of different brushes that send Nicole into absolute hysterics. Nicole frantically moves around and tries to get free but she isn’t going anywhere.

She’s so ticklish that she has a very hard time handling this double-team foot-tickling, it gets to the point where the hysterical, frantic laughter turns to panic but she can’t do anything other than laugh.

If you like to see ticklish women taken to their limit then you’ll love this one!

Length: 12:25
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – MORE TICKLE GAMES Nicole Versus The Tickle Clock! – Double Teamed Foot Tickling Penalty!

RandomSoleEncounters – Indie’s Face Down Foot Tickling!

I had some requests for more of our favorite local musician Indie. So here she is for an encore performance…

Indie (28, 5’2, 6.5 shoe) is a singer/songwriter performing folk-style music. She has a very laid-back, peaceful attitude about everything. She’s never done any fetish modeling before working with me but said she finds laughing to be “therapeutic” and “stress relieving”.

Indie always hides her feet away. Anytime I see her she’s wearing boots or some closed shoes. But she has a very lovely pair of feet that also happen to be quite ticklish!

I thought the face-down tickling would be fun to try with her. Two cameras were used for this tickle session. One camera is right on Indie’s face to see all her reactions. The other camera is close up on her soft, ticklish soles.

I test out a variety of tickle tools on Indie’s soles to see what gets the best reaction. Brushes and a harder, scrubbing-type tickling get the best reactions out of her. Indie’s reactions are more quiet laughing with occasional outbursts than laugh-out-loud hysterics. She moves around a lot while having her feet tickled, trying to get away, but her feet are secured so she’s not going anywhere! She moves around so much from being tickled that she actually ends up moving the curtain behind her!

I finish off the clip by really going to town on her soles with the silicone brushes, this gets the best reaction from her and a deep exhale of relief when it’s over.

One of the great things about face-down tickling is that she is unable to see when the tickling is coming and what I’m going to tickle with!

Length: 7:00
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Indie’s Face Down Foot Tickling!

RandomSoleEncounters – “Oh Blyat!” Russian Model Gets Tickled Twice!

All the way from Russia, M.L. (27, 5’7, size 7 shoe) was introduced to me by a mutual friend. I hadn’t met M.L. before this shoot but was talking with her online for a few months and planning to shoot with her when she came to my area.

M.L. doesn’t speak much English but luckily I speak some Russian. I’m not close to fluent but was able to explain enough to her that she agreed to be tickled. She told me she was ticklish but it had been quite some time since she’s been tickled. She said it could be a fun experience.

There is almost no talking in this video, I didn’t want to have a video full of broken Russian that most of you wouldn’t understand so I just went the silent route and let M.L.’s laughter shine. That’s what’s most important in a tickle video anyway, right?

The 1st part of the video is an audition/tickle test. M.L. is secured in the stocks, her toes are untied for this portion…this was her 1st time in stocks so I wanted to give her a slow introduction.

I remove her shoes, M.L. has great feet which is always a plus! I test out all my tools and different tickling techniques to see what gets her to react the most. M.L. has a mixture of ticklish reactions, everything from little giggles to big laughs! I found that brushes and a rougher type touch are most effective on her soles.

This was only supposed to be a quick tickle test for M.L. but I was having too much fun and had to keep it going…

For the next part, I tie M.L.’s big toes back. She was surprised by this and didn’t like that she couldn’t move her feet as much as before. The most fun is when I get M.L. to say “Blyat!” over and over again (see if you can tell how many times she says it during this clip). What does “Blyat” mean? I let you look it up yourself.

When we were finished M.L. told me that it was more tickling than she expected. It turns out she thought we were going to be taking tickling photos! What a surprise for her!

While I have your attention…I’ve launched a Twitter, or X, or whatever it’s called now. Along with an Instagram. Give me a follow if you’d like, I’ll be posting free clips, and photos, doing contests, lots of cool stuff there in the future. I’m moriartyclips on both platforms.

Length: 14:40
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – “Oh Blyat!” Russian Model Gets Tickled Twice!

RandomSoleEncounters – TICKLE GAMES: Spelling Bee-he-he-ha-ha! – Loser Goes To Tickle Detention!

Nathalia and Nicole stopped by the studio and I thought it would be fun to have them compete in a tickle game. More specifically, a Spelling Bee!

The rules of the game are simple; Nicole and Nathalia have to try and spell 6th-grade level words while being tickled by each other. If they misspell a word, the other must spell the same word correctly for the spelling bee to end. So, they’ll want to really tickle each other well to try and get their competitor to lose track and misspell their word.

The winner gets the best reward…cash!

The loser will get sent to tickle detention – Locked, stocked, and toe-tied. Non-stop double-teamed foot tickling by myself and the winner with no safeword!

Nathalia and Nicole were pretty confident about their ability to spell while tickled. They each thought they were going to win. But who won? How many rounds did the spelling bee last?


After three rounds of spelling and laughing Nathalia was stumped by the word ‘Vaccum’. Nicole was able to spell it and was the winner of the 1st ever RSE Spelling Bee !

That means that poor Nathalia was going to tickle detention. Unfortunately for her, she has very ticklish feet.

Nicole was really looking forward to being the tickler and after showing her a few different techniques on how to best tickle (mainly how to use her long nails) she was ready to give it a try. Nathalia has a hard time enduring the double-team tickling, we really give it to her, she is laughing, screaming, and begging pretty quickly.

We take her to the point where she can’t handle any more tickling…we almost got her to the point of tears by the end of it all. She said this is the worst she’s ever been tickled!

We’ll have to make sure next time (and each time after that) tops this one!

Length: 13:42
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – TICKLE GAMES: Spelling Bee-he-he-ha-ha! – Loser Goes To Tickle Detention!

RandomSoleEncounters – TICKLE GAMES: TICKLISH SURVIVOR with Nathalia and Goth Meg

And we’re back with another TICKLE GAME!

This time we’re playing TICKLISH SURVIVOR with Nathalia and Goth Meg (aka Kilo). In this game, the winner is determined by who can be ticked for the longest time without using their safeword. The winner gets both models pay for this shoot! The loser gets nothing!

But, there’s a twist…

Nathalia and Meg will take turns tickling each other. I will keep time on how long each is tickled. Using their safeword at any time immediately stops the tickling and the clock.

But, I won’t reveal their “tickle time” until the end of the game.

That means each model has to decide exactly how long being tickled is enough to win the game. It could be for 1 minute or for over 1 hour, the tickling doesn’t stop until they decide to end it! But did they stop too soon? Will their opponent beat them? Do they know the other model’s tickle spots that will get them to quit quicker than they did? These are all things they have to think about.


The first part is STOCKED TICKLING mainly focusing on foot tickling but they are allowed to tickle their opponent’s upper body too.

The second part is UPPERBODY TICKLING only! Yes, this is for all you upper-body tickling fans!

I’ll add up each model’s “tickle time” at the end of both parts. The winner will be the one that lasted the longest.

Who do you think wins? How close were the times? Check out the clip to find out!


Length: 25:07
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – TICKLE GAMES: TICKLISH SURVIVOR with Nathalia and Goth Meg

RandomSoleEncounters – Dalvina Takes the $100 Tickle Challenge!

This is an older, un-released clip of Queen Dalvina taking the $100 Hold The Note Challenge.

The rules of the challenge:

– Dalvina starts with $100.
– There are 5, one-minute rounds.
– Dalvina must hold a small piece of paper between her feet while being tickled. If she drops the paper within the minute she loses $20 and the round is over.
– Whatever money she has left after the 5 rounds are complete, she gets to keep.

The scene starts off with some Behind-The-Scenes footage of me explaining the challenge to Queen Dalvina and her removing her shoes (crocs) and socks.

Dalvina seemed determined that she would be able to succeed at this challenge. I wasn’t as optimistic about her ability to win after learning how ticklish her feet are.

The fun part of this is to watch the dominant side of Dalvina come out. She tries to adjust the rules as the challenge goes on to give her the best chance of winning. But, even that doesn’t stop her feet from being so ticklish!

How much cash did Dalvina walk away with? Check out the clip to find out!

Length: 9:26
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Dalvina Takes the $100 Tickle Challenge!

RandomSoleEncounters – Goth Meg goes to Tickle Hell – LEVEL THREE FACE DOWN FOOT TICKLING

Tough goth girl Meg has already endured stocked foot tickling and upper body tickling. Now, she is going to have to make it through the final level of tickle hell – face down foot tickling!

This is a double-camera shoot. One camera is close-up on her tender goth soles as they are tickled. The other camera is a close-up of her face so we can see every ticklish reaction. I instruct Meg to make eye contact with the camera during the entire ordeal.

The great thing about this position for tickling is that Meg can’t see when, how, or what tool I’m going to use to tickle her vulnerable feet. The element of surprise can make already ticklish feet even more sensitive and this technique really gets Meg laughing!

I test out all my tools on Meg’s soles; fingers, feathers (feather and quill end), two hairbrushes, the electric flosser, and oiled-up sole tickling.

This is the final part of Meg’s tickle hell but it won’t be the last time we see her!

Length: 7:31
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Goth Meg goes to Tickle Hell – LEVEL THREE FACE DOWN FOOT TICKLING

RandomSoleEncounters – TICKLE FLIX JIllian Justice and the Stocks of Suggestion

Investigative reporter Jillian Justice has just broadcast a story on local con..I mean…business man Albert Cadabra. Cadabra is a failed magician who now makes props for other magic acts. The problem is, Mr. Cadabra has been ripping off his customers for years!

Jillian has exposed Mr. Cadabra on local television and he is not happy about it it all!!!

A furious Albert calls Jillian Justice and asks her to come to his office so he can give his side of the story. Jillian feels it will be a waste of time but humors Cadabra anyway. She agrees to meet him later that night…who knows, she might get more evidence of his con-man ways.

What Ms. Jillian Justice doesn’t know is that Albert Cadabra has a very special trick for her…a trick so powerful it can even get the toughest, most stubborn person to change their mind. This trick is called…


Watch as Jillian Justice is tricked into the stocks!
Be amazed at how ticklish her tender soles are!
See her will break under the non-stop tickling!

Length: 8:51
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – TICKLE FLIX JIllian Justice and the Stocks of Suggestion