BleuFetishTickling – Mura Squealing, Squirming, and Panting Upper Body Fun

We open up to Mura Suru with her arms suspended in the air while her legs are strapped to our tickle Board. The Mystery Hands taunts her saying ” you’re the first person in 15 years to meet the Mystery Hands, Ive been waiting for fifteen years to come back and torment you”

as TMH tickles her, he is just exploring for the right spots to torment this Asian chipmunk the most as she squeaks and shrieks. ” What are these sounds youre making? You gotta let that out”

Mini Mura does a lot of ” Mini Screaming ” in this video. She is fighting so hard to keep herself from letting it all out, it almost sounds like she had lost her voice! He explores all the different parts of her body, Armpits, her ribs, her belly, her inner thigh, that’s where she seems to be the most ticklish.

the middle of this video includes the Origin scene of the next generation of evil at Bleufetish, introducing Mystery Hands Jr. Dawning the signature Black mask, while sporting a hoodie with a hat on top. you cant see his face, but rest assured, he was so excited to get his hands on Mura. MHJ is a mute evil who gets right into action by tickling Mura’s armpits, and trying to find the best possible place to really get more reactions out of her.

She jiggles, squeaks, bounces all over trying to wrestle herself away. MHJ is going to town on her armpits, belly, inner thighs, getting her to squeak and squall and gasp for air, never letting up. at one point TMH says to her “are you having trouble breathing?”

MHJ goes to town on her armpits, as he is tickling her she seems to have a lot of trouble breathing, TMH tells her “I can tell this is one of your favorite things” as she squirms and croaks. He comes up to her and tickles her armpits while MHJ is still going and says ” What if we both do it?” She starts to lose it her, giving out those loud squeaks and losing her breath.

TMH says to her “Would you like him to stop now?” She croaks out “stop!” you can tell how out of breath she is, “stop please!” You can see MHJ shaking his head to the camera, he wont stop!

as MHJ steps back, TMH says “So I notice youre not really begging a lot, is that because you like it?” She is shaking her head and squawking out what sounds like a no, but we cant tell!

MHJ goes for her sides, really having fun playing with those ribs and she struggles to get away and saying what sounds like NO through her teeth! You can see in her face as he takes a second to stop, the mix of exhaustion and extasy in her face, but he quickly jumps right back into it!

We fade back into TMH back behind her, as he tells her “That seems like a nice little beginning for you” as she scrunches her face looking like she’s thinking to herself “YOU GOTTA BE JOKING”

“If you don’t beg more, its never going to stop!” TMH tells her as he gets deep into her inner thighs, she starts screaming, “STOP STOP STOP!” She Struggles so much to get away the table starts to slide all over, as TMH holds on and keeps getting her to let go and give you the reactions you crave!

He asks her at one point “Do you like it when I tickle you here?” She says no, and he asks why, and her response is “I don’t like to be tickled anywhere!” He keeps going in on her Armpits and inner thigh, as she bashes herself against him. We fade out looking at TMH realizing its time to get her down on the floor, where there is no escape!

Length: 9:52
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Mura Squealing, Squirming, and Panting Upper Body Fun

BleuFetishTickling – Tasha is BACK – to 2005 in her Ticklish Toothpaste Commercial Remastered Classic

Many years ago I promised TA that I wouldn’t use Tasha’s name on this one. But since they sold the biz, Ms Slim is now rightfully called TASHA’s Ticklish Toothpaste Commercial!

Talk about REAL and INSANE reactions… Tasha goes absolutely CRAZY! Begging & Pleading that “she is sorry”, shaking like a crazy lady and SCREAMING LOUDER THAN ANYONE WE’VE EVER TICKLED BEFORE!

A 2005 “brand new to modeling” Tasha is so genuine, sweet and innocent, you’ll love her immediately, BUT you’ll love her amazing reactions even MORE! She is so eager to please she actually helps Skye find ticklish spots in the beginning and it’s clear that she’s very turned on by a hot Domme touching her all over her body.

This clip starts with with Domina Skye doing a great job of slowly teasing Tasha, drawing her in little by little and working her up to lots of over-the-top laughing, screaming and begging. If that was all, this would have been a classic clip all on it’s own, BUT when The Mystery Hands come in… all hell breaks loose and the intensity goes thru the roof!

This is one of our best examples of a clip that goes from zero to “off the charts” in a slow methodical way! There is just awesome chemistry here! The story behind the title of this video is pretty hysterical too.

The original silly premise of the video is that We saw Tasha at the Mall and were blown away by her beautiful smile. TMH’s went up to her and asked “you have a great smile… would you be interested in shooting a toothpaste commercial”. Tasha gave us an enthusiastic “YES”, hoping she had just been discovered by some ad agency. TMH’s continued saying, “Well unfortunately we don’t shoot toothpaste commercials… however we DO shoot TICKLING Videos… ” and the rest, as they say, is history!

This full clip includes the outtake from our interview with Tasha where we discuss the silly premise for the video AND watch out for the enhanced new version of “Tasha’s Vibrator Ecstasy” where we torment and tease Tasha to even MORE amazing reactions, including cross-eyed orgasms, with tickling and a vibrator.

Length: 23:23
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tasha is BACK – to 2005 in her Ticklish Toothpaste Commercial Remastered Classic

BleuFetishTickling – Tickled In Sin – Anna & Mystery Hands -Full Clip- Restored Classic!

We are here with our lost little Asian girl from China Town, NYC and our extremely talented and merciless “Mystery Hands”! If your into watching victims with just enough room in their bonds to thrash around like a maniac… then THIS CLIP IS FOR YOU! Anna’s hands were secured tightly over her head, but her feet and legs were cruelly free to try to escape. Unfortunately that combination doesn’t work too well for tickling victims!!! Watch this poor little exhausted girl as she acts like a crazy bucking bronco! We gotta admit it amused us greatly! Lot’s of great all over body tickling including a lot of foot tickling action for you FOOT LOVERS!! this clip has Alot of “hot mystery foot tickling”! We start off sitting on a bondage bed, hands secured above, in just a tiny tank top and panties. Anna shrieks as her inner thighs, backs of knees and neck get tickled. She carefully watches the Mystery Hands, never knowing where they are going to strike next. S tomach and rib tickling get Anna bouncing, squirming and jumping like a rabbit. The intensity increases and the begging begins as some more inner thigh tickling ensues. The circling finger technique is applied and poor Anna is almost crying as her armpits are . Lots of great thrusting and shrieking and even an escaped boobie makes an appearance as the MH’s continue on her defenseless sides. AND THEN THE FOOT BEGINS. This is just painful… you can see she stops having fun and can hardly speak by the end. Moaning, twisting back and forth and begging! she eventually loses her top and she is just in her panties with her arms tied overhead and now standing behind the bondage bed in front of the Mystery Hands. The MH’s begin with some light poking from armpits to crotch causing giggling and some nice butt gyrations. The MH’s begin their relentless attack, as i nner thigh and lower tummy tickling begin Anna tries to crawl away on top of the bondage bed. This now exposes her feet as her knees are on the bed. The MH’s make her pay, tickling her feet as soon as they become available. Taunting her with “Oh you thought you were a wise guy climbing up here huh?… now you’re not so happy are you!?!” She keeps trying to climb away but the MH’s just keep pulling her back and tickling her more and more. She finally gets both legs free and the MH’s just encourage her to beg more and more , following her every contortion with both hands digging in to her. This stoic composed girl becomes a frenzied whimpering captive with a really awesome look of confusion and aggravation!

Length: 15:47
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickled In Sin – Anna & Mystery Hands -Full Clip- Restored Classic!

AddictiveFrenchGirl – French – Ligotee et chatouillee Partie 1 – 2

Me voici entre les mains de ma copine qui aime les cordes et un brin de sadisme sous ta tête d’innocente jeune fille ha ha il ne faut clairement pas se fier aux apparences !

Mes pieds ainsi ligotés sont à sa merci et vont subir une séance de chatouilles sans ménagements

Length: 13:43
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – French – Ligotee et chatouillee Partie 1 – 2

AddictiveFrenchGirl – French – Ligotee et chatouillee Partie 2 – 2

Me voici entre les mains de ma copine qui aime les cordes et un brin de sadisme sous ta tête d’innocente jeune fille ha ha il ne faut clairement pas se fier aux apparences !

Mes pieds ainsi ligotés sont à sa merci et vont subir une séance de chatouilles sans ménagements

Length: 13:38
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – French – Ligotee et chatouillee Partie 2 – 2

UrlittleWhore – Getting Tickled For 15 Minutes Straight

He starts focusing on my tits and move to my whole body. But he knows my tits are very sensible so he switches back from time to time to see if I can handle I almost wet the bad

Length: 14:49
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Getting Tickled For 15 Minutes Straight

UKTickling – The Lost Bet Part 1 Ayla’s 8 Minutes Of Hell!

Super-ticklish cutie Ayla Sky never likes being on the receiving end but after betting on a word game, that’s exactly where she ended up! We set ourselves a challenge, and though Ayla she won the first round she got a little over-confident, challenging me to another…which she lost! As a result she must endure a forfeit: eight minutes of pure tickle punishment, of my choosing. Ayla also gets to choose my punishment afterwards (for twice as long) so I make this one count! Wearing only sheer pantyhose, Ayla is strapped to the chair with legs tightly bound for some intense, non-stop foot tickling on her sheer soles. She is soon laughing and squealing as her super-sensitive nylon feet are tickled for the first couple of minutes, before ramping things up a little! A ball gag is then added to increase the intensity – and it really does. Ayla hates being gagged because she can’t scream, and she goes absolutely nuts as her soles are really punished with fingers and the brush! She’s already in a state and looking very pissed about her situation when we take it further by blindfolding her too! Poor Ayla then spends the second half of her forfeit in a total panic as she can’t see when the tickling is coming from. Her feet get mercilessly tickled while she jerks around in the chair and tries to squeal and protest through the gag. It’s a short session but a very intense one for her…it’s a little too much at times, but she knows she’s going to get own back afterwards – and she definitely does (part 2 coming soon!)

Length: 8:49
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – The Lost Bet Part 1 Ayla’s 8 Minutes Of Hell!

UKTickling – Ellie’s Nails Are Too Much For Natasha!

Gorgeous Ellie Mae is not only super-ticklish but it turns out she’s very good at tickling too…and what better victim for her first session as tickler than Natasha! Poor Natasha is in for a ride as she is cuffed down with her helpless feet raised in the high stocks. Her feet are ridiculously ticklish and Ellie’s nails soon turn her to jelly! She starts out by slowly teasing Natasha’s nylon soles through her heels, poking and running her nails inside the shoes whilst Natasha cracks up. After a few minutes of this, she removes the heels and begins her tickling her nylon soles, still slowly at first. It drives Natasha nuts however, and she’s nearly crying with laughter as Ellie’s long fingers and long nails make shapes across her soles! She gradually ramps it up, tickling Natasha out of her mind before ripping the nylons and doing the same with her bare feet too. Natasha squeals and shrieks as Ellie relentlessly teases her sexy feet until the final minutes, when she moves up her legs and then the body too! Natasha is totally hysterical as Ellie tickles her sides, armpits, neck and thighs, reaching back to tickle her feet at the same time! It’s a wild ending to a very hot F/F clip!

Length: 12:16
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Ellie’s Nails Are Too Much For Natasha!

UKTickling – Charlie Has Fun With Natasha’s Sensitive Soles!

Charlie Monaco is one of the sexiest ticklers around and Natasha is the perfect victim, making for an extremely hot F/F scene! Wearing a cute little outfit with sheer pantyhose and heels, Natasha is tightly strapped up and totally helpless. In a tight pvc catsuit, Charlie looks phenomenal and a little mean…and her long, pointy nails make Natasha nervous, with good reason! With Natasha’s bound legs on her lap, Charlie focuses on her super-ticklish feet as she slowly teases and tickles her out of her mind. She removes her heels one at a time and runs her nails all over her sheer soles. Her tickling technique is very hot and her constant teasing, drives Natasha crazy, making her squeal and jump. She runs her nails up Natasha’s thighs, and then onto her exposed waist and upperbody too before returning to her sexy feet. She can’t resist worshiping Natasha’s sexy nylon feet and sucking on her toes as she torments her with her nails at the same time. She later rips the nylons and gives the same treatment to her bare feet too. Charlie thoroughly torments Natasha and has a lot of fun doing it. This is a long and seriously hot tickle session – if you’re a fan of Natasha you won’t want to miss this! Natasha’s always the tickle victim and rarely has a chance to get her own back but she did this time and she really let Charlie have it when the tables were turned…look out for part 2 coming soon!

Length: 17:47
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Charlie Has Fun With Natasha’s Sensitive Soles!