Oh man WHAT A TREAT we have here for all of you! We have Audrianas step-sister Serena and her HYPER sensitive size 5.5 feet. If you thought Audriana was ticklish? Serena is SO much worse. Serenas feet are immediately moving with her toes wiggling and shaking as I tickle her. She starts with a nice cute giggle and I LOVE her laugh. She has THICK soles and plump toes. Her feet are VERY expressive as they wiggle and move. She has some of the best feet I have ever tickled and Serena LOVES it. I get back into her feet with the lotion and she is a giggling mess playing with her hair because she loves being tickled and its turning her on while making her breathless. Now its tool time. I start with the glove and WHAT A LAUGH. She is LITERALLY wheezing. Her laugh is SO hysterical and one of my favorites of all times. It sends Audriana into a giggle fit. Poor Serena took such a deep breath she could NOT laugh. Every tool sends Serena into hysterics and makes her easily one of the best Tickle Room models of all time!
Length: 10:52
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Audrianas Sister Serenas First Foot Tickle!

So while Kai was in town on that weekend I just had this random BOOM in talent showing up. The biggest of which was Jazzy. She is 23 Years young with some THICC size 8W and they are WRINKLY. Now Jazzy is one of those really cute lees. Shes a mormon/muslim background whose family is EXTREMELY conservative obviously. Tickling her is literally tickling a rich girl. She is very much here because she is going with the flow and curious. The money is a huge bonus but I can tell shes living wild right now since she was immediately open and talking footjobs the first day in. Now in auditions I DO NOT actually try to push to hard in intensity. I let the model flow and change tactics based off their reactions. If you wanna see them go through hell thats the point of customs. I generally just start with the basics and try to make it as fun and simple as possible. When I start Jazzy PULLS the damn hand restraints and her toes SPREAD showing every wrinkle. Now Mei Mei is there kinda coaching her but more intrigued (fyi Mei Mei LOVES being on set when shes not in the hot seat). FULL disclosure Jazzy talks a lot and laughs VERY soft. She is one of those you have to OVERLOAD and it shows up in her million dollar smile. Well I do get Mei Mei and then Kai to help out. Personally I am waiting for one of those hell customs that are LONG to come through. I think more lers and a drawn out tickle would easily break poor Jazzys pampered body.
Length: 9:24
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Jazzys First Foot Tickle

So before Jazzy came to shoot she was EXTREMELY vocal about one thing and did NOT stop brining it up. She was afraid to pee herself. She literally was so scared those shorts shes wearing? Those are MINE lmfao. Jazzy was CONVINCED she would piss herself and wanted to be safe. The foot tickling did not give me any fear this could happen honestly. Until I get her in this weird upperbody position I was trying and I touch her. I immediately see why shes scared now. She tells me its not so bad but she is REALLY giggly. Kai comes in to check my angle as I tickle Jazzy. I love this now. She is WAY more sensitive and talking while moving. She keeps bringing up peeing then I go FAST on the tummy and she is now FREAKING out laughing. I REALLY get Jazzy going and she is giggling and laughing so hard that we all tease her too pee. Mei Mei then starts to feel so bad she asks to give her a break and I let her off the hook. But I warned her the upperbody fans….they are COMING.
Length: 6:56
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Jazzys Upperbody Hell!

So foot tickling got Kseniia a little more nervous about this tickling gig but the thing is no matter HOW restrained models are for foot tickling they always feel a little free. The hard part as I have been told is when you are super ticklish you cannot do anything but laugh or watch or both. Well now we have what EVERY model says is the WORST of all tickling. Upperbody. This is where all models say its SO much worse because you are so intimately close, the sensation of laughter is WAY stronger, and the tickling is SO much more intense. This is where things get wild for most models. So now we have a model who was able to really fight it now in a situation where, you really kind of cannot. Lets see how she does!
Kseniia is in a nice skirt with a crop top and boobs loose. So she came with less makeup and a little more natural at my request and you can REALLY see how new and difficult this is for her. I am on her tummy and ribs and she is FIGHTING me. This is a true fight or flight response. Now tickling someone like Kseniia can be hard because upperbody tickling can hurt, especially for skinnier models and she is very small. So I take it easy with light tickling and I am shocked to see her hysterical and fighting already! She is lightly laughing, complaining, and fighting. I go for a little extra grab on her waist and it hurts so I give her a break while I mentally evaluate my next move. Its seemingly all ribs and stomach before I try her armpits. This is getting somewhere but I feel like its a mix between hellish and painful so I take a break fast and try the thighs. This is funny because now you are getting a TOTALLY different reaction. She is giggling less and smiling more (I later found out she really liked the feeling) but she was totally learning her body here. She was VERY surprised at how much this tickled but also felt a little good after. I try the armpits again but they are TOO much for her. So I take it down a tad. This is another video of a great model not used to this type of tickling getting some upperbody love!
Length: 5:44
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Kseniias New World Upperbody!

Blair is a magical woman in the sense that she is like a tickling unicorn. She LOVES to tickle and LOVES being tickled. She full on has the fetish and is so in love with it working with her literally feels magical. She is a blend of sweet and spice and tormenting her delicate soles was a treat but its time to focus on what I do best….the upperbody. Now she is big on her identity so her face is partially hidden. EVERY inch of her is HYPER sensitive so anything I touch SENDS her cackling and hysterical. I go from hips to stomach to ribs and poor Blair is just unable to stop howling with laughter. She can barely breath until I get to a spot she loves and hates. Her hips. Its a LOT but I know the spot she is gonna lose it on and she admits her fear. Her armpits. She is genuinely terrified and I do NOT blame her as the moment I tickle them she is fighting to get out. This is one of the LONGEST most INTENSE upperbody clips I have ever done with one of the best EVER. Watch and make sure you thoroughly enjoy!
(side note. Blair like many other models gets constantly harassed by fans. Please respect her identity and feelings. When talking to her you are getting a rare chance to have someone sweet be kind so do not engage so rude or entitled.)
Length: 24:18
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Blairs Upperbody Hell! “The Real Fantasy”

Time for ANOTHER round of hellish gang tickles!!! The trio this time? Christina, Chloe, and Allison! Lets kick off 2024 with them. Now Allison is officially on her 10th year with us so she was ready to rock. Imelda had some personal things going on so (unfortunate for Chloe who very much wanted her) so Christina came in, and Chloe is ready for a long list of shooting and getting feet. She LOVES feet and after her last shoot with Christina she is HAPPY to have her back and this time Christina is NOT shying away from feet. So we kick it off with Christina getting gang tickled by Veteran tickler Allison and the super kinky Chloe who loves having ladies under her fingers. They actually start by teasing her before going crazy. Now Christina has EXPRESSIVE feet so watching her toes wiggle and soles crunch are a sight to see. The girls leave no spot alone as they go quick from soles to toes without hesitation. Christina pushes against the toe ties hard and you can see her soles FULLY stretched as her toes try to crunch and protect her. From fingers to tools they do everything they can to absolutely tickle torment poor Christina as she fights laughs and gets more and more hysterical under their ruthless fingers.
Length: 8:17
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Christina in Tag Team Foot Tickle Hell!

Mature Priscilla is SO ticklish and this…..this is a clip that was LITERALLY hell on earth for her. Now she has gotten some genuine hellish tickles but this…..THIS is where she actually breaks. For those who are new Priscilla is one of the MOST ticklish models we have EVER worked with. She is a mature thick soled hysterical laughing lady who is literally AMAZING to tickle because she can also TAKE IT. So a fan REALLY wanted to see how much COULD she handle. This is a HELLISHLY long clip with me starting all fingers for 5 minutes. What I do not tell her is Nichole is there to help me. She has MEAN long nails. Now Priscilla wont stay still so I have Nichole tickle her feet while I go for her upperbody. Then me and Nichole tag team. It becomes a POV at 4 minutes because poor Priscilla cannot keep her body up because she is LAUGHING that hard. Nichole then makes fun of Priscilla having size 6.5 feet because Nicholes WHOLE hand covers them easily. With those nails its EVIL. Poor Priscilla is BREATHLESS but the only break we give is when I add oil for MAYBE 10 sec. I then tell Nichole if her hands LEAVE her feet I am gonna tickle HER and Nichole HATES being tickled. You will almost NEVER hear Priscilla not hysterical or begging OR cursing us out in the background. This is also the day AFTER she got wrapped and wrecked so she is even MORE sensitive but to her “FUCK DUDE IT ALL SUCKS”. We are now combining brushes and fingers so much Priscilla can only say “YOU GUYS” before rising like the exorcist then dropping down over and over. Its actually funny. This goes on for TWELVE minutes. We ALWAYS had a hand on her foot for TWELVE minutes STRAIGHT. By the end she is SO spent I have to give her a foot massage and a VERY long time to recover before even sitting up. Me and Nichole are SO tired after we actually were icing our arms. This is a foot tickling clip from HELL and Priscilla literally says she can do it again. So question is….who is gonna fund her round 2? Maybe 4 people at once?
Length: 18:24
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Mature Priscilla “GOD PLEASE STOP”

So Sapphires feet were SO much fun to tickle but NOW? Its upperbody time. She is actually so excited for this part for some reason where most are terrified. I get on her stomach and hips and her laugh now is AMAZING. Its so bursting and cute. Sapphire is ALL smiles loving every single touch on her soft body. The hips and stomach are pretty bad but the armpits SEND her into a HYSTERICAL giggle way more desperate than the others. I can tell she is running shy of breath so I give her some time to recover. Then I find the EARS. I have not really tried this spot in a while and gave it a go. She LOSES it but I give her a break before getting to the ribs and hips again. This was awesome and one really amazing ticklee!
Length: 5:17
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Sapphire Loves Upperbody Tickling!

So here we have the new “I AM NOT A NERD” Abbie. Shes totally a nerd. Mei Mei said it like 50 times that she is but tries to hide it lol. She is 23 years old with a little sass but not good since she is super ticklish on her size 8.5 soles! Now they are THICC as you see in the thumbnail. So I was pretty exhausted so I put some energy in me with an energy drink and was trying to keep up. Mei Mei was super helping as I got started. Abbie is what I call a “shock” ticklee. She is much more “what the fuck am I doing right now” in her face while fighting REALLY hard not to laugh. I get her to burst on occasion and its awesome. She laughs and giggles but ultimately her facial expressions are ALL confusion and fighting the laugh with a HUGE smile. Towards the end you can actually see her literally biting her lip holding it in.
Length: 5:28
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Abbies Nerdy Nervous First Foot Tickle!

A new and very interesting shot in the dark by me. So I worked for MANY years in the actual photography world of fashion and beauty. That being said I have seen many models come in and they are VERY different in personalities SOME of which were open (Like Monica and Coco!) and actually do fetish work. Well now we have a wild one. A SUPERMODEL from Ukraine Kseniia! She is 31 years young and has NEVER done tickling or foot work. She has only ever done playboy and artistic work. So when she said yes to fetish work I was SHOCKED. But she was nervous herself. She did not even know if she was ticklish and does not let ANYONE touch her. I had concerns so Katy helped me speak with her since Kseniias english is not very strong yet. Katy and Kseniia both laughed at me saying she was actually pretty excited to try it thinking its easier money. Well lets see if she was right.
To give you some context whenever you tickle a person of a higher caliber of model, they give the MOST genuine reactions. See most girl next door models they react crazy of course but models who have a lot of money or are of a certain status they REALLY react wild or confused and this one of those moments. Kseniia has NEVER been tickled and lives a lavish calm life so laughing especially being MADE to laugh is VERY foreign to her. The moment I touch her feet she is VISIBLY confused. Its actually funny in its own right. She makes these hilarious almost disgusted faces. I wont lie though. NO laughter. So I am wondering if shes even that ticklish. Thats when I bust out the gloves. She is wondering if shes doing awful and the gloves are bringing the lightest laugh ever but her facial expressions and feet moving tell an entirely different story. When I find the right spots she is NOT a fan as she laughs lightly squinting and pulling away. Wanna see a light laugh and awkward reaction of someone completely new to our realm? Well lets welcome Kseniia to the fold!
Length: 6:19
Resolution: 1920×1080
Download – Kseniias Confused Foot Tickle!