BGTP – One foot tickling delight with Rose

Hi everyone! It’s always very difficult to describe a video in which Rose is tickled, because there’s no combination of words that does justice to her sensitivity to tickling. With or without socks, the slightest touch under the delicate soles of her feet is unbearable for her (the tip of a feather for example). She told me she loved it, so I decided to put her to the test by pushing her a little for over ten minutes. I have to admit I’m pretty proud of the result and I hope you enjoy seeing her tickled like this. In this clip you will see :





Length: 12:43
Resolution: 1440×1080

Download – One foot tickling delight with Rose

BGTP – Some tickling fun with Phibie on the sofa

Hi everyone! It’s time to treat yourself to a relaxing moment, a good tickle session in a super cozy atmosphere with Phibie. Ticklish from head to toe, it’s absolutely impossible to get tired of spending time with her. In this video, I tease her on all the most ticklish parts of her, including her beautiful feet, and I even get a little help from my friend at Frenchtickling! In this clip you will see :








Length: 13:34
Resolution: 1440×1080

Download – Some tickling fun with Phibie on the sofa

AddictiveFrenchGirl – French – Seance chatouille #2

La suite avec les pieds en offrande 🙂
J’ai trouvé une adorable cobaye pour tester sa résistance aux chatouilles sur les pieds !
Un démarrage en douceur par dessus ses petites chaussettes en nylon trop mignonnes, j’avais presque envie de ne pas lui retirer ♥
J’alterne entre mes doigts, une griffe et une brosse à dents !

Length: 5:00
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – French – Seance chatouille #2

AddictiveFrenchGirl – French – Shibari foot tickling

Je me venge enfin de ma copine ha ha ha !

Fini la rigolade, enfin non bien au contraire 😀 car elle est bien chatouilleuse et je ne vais pas m’en priver 🙂

Mise en place avec les cordes de ses adorables petits pieds juste à la bonne hauteur, pour avoir une belle vue au premier plan tout en laissant la visibilité de step-son visage qui affichera le degré du supplice que je lui fait endurer ♥

Mode sadique activé ha ha !

Length: 11:13
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – French – Shibari foot tickling

AddictiveFrenchGirl – French – Tickling Bondage avec Hydromel

Step-son sadisme est sans limite … et j’en fait encore les frais !

Je suis si chatouilleuse, et elle adore en profiter! Cette fois-ci, elle m’attache pieds et poings liés.

Je vais subir le supplice provoquant des rires et des fous rires, l’entraînant avec moi. Sacrée complicité !

Length: 5:15
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – French – Tickling Bondage avec Hydromel

VincesFetishAdventure – Unnecessary Roughness – Kody, Sydney, Stella

After a rough outing being the referee of a tight contest, Sydney heads back to her hotel room to unwind. Opposing cheerleaders Kody and Stella make their way into her room to confront Sydney about all of her bad calls. Sydney doesn’t have time for the cheerleaders’ nonsense and demands that they leave her room. The cheerleaders decide to take matters into their own hands, especially their fingertips, as they pin Sydney down to tickle her since neither team ended up winning the game. The cheerleaders have their way with the poor ref until they are satisfied with the outcome, unlike the tied ball game ref Sydney called…

Length: 12:39
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Unnecessary Roughness – Kody, Sydney, Stella

VincesFetishAdventure – Tickling # 27 – Scarlett Storm & Stella Elle

Stella is in for a new pedi but is being extremely annoying by posting her experience online. Stella, the nail tech just wants to do her job but hates when clients come in taking pictures and live streaming. Scarlett can’t take it anymore and decides to teach Stella a lesson. Scarlett soon has Stella secured with towels as she tickles Stella’s helpless pretty bare feet…

Length: 8:28
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickling # 27 – Scarlett Storm & Stella Elle

VincesFetishAdventure – Tickle Fight Nurse v Nurse Kody Evans & Savannah Costello

All nurse Savannah wants to do is relax in the nurse’s lounge between pulling a double shift. Nurse Kody enters the area being loud and obnoxious while talking on her phone. Savannah asks Kody to take the call somewhere else but Kody ignores Savannah’s request. Taking matters into her on hand, literally, Savannah snatches Kody’s phone from her hands and hangs up the call. This leads to an all out tickle fight that sees both nurses gaining the upper hand/foot until only one will come out on top…

Length: 8:20
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download – Tickle Fight Nurse v Nurse Kody Evans & Savannah Costello